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If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.

    Planted 55 gallon Major Frustration

    Thank you for your feedback. I was thinking I would step down the 10K but I was not sure to what. I just bought replacement bulbs too. For now until I can get to the LFS I am going to block out half the light and see how the plants do.

    Angelfish Growth

    Keep an eye on him if he starts swimming weird. Angel fish can get swim bladder where their equilibrium is thrown off because of a swollen bladder can cause death.

    Diy backgrounds

    Good call they look great but it can really mess with your ph. I had a friend who lost a gorgeous freshwater ray because of a concrete wall he put in
  4. Java Fern and Mexican Oak Leaf

    Java Fern and Mexican Oak Leaf

    Having some trouble growing. Was told my light is to strong. Go figure. Cant explain to the wife why I bought a $200 light system 2 years ago and now I need to Downgrade.

    Diy backgrounds

    I work for a paint company and I would not feel comfortable having any of our paint to be submerged in water. The only thing that is good for that is a POTABLE EPOXY and that is way to expensive to buy as it will typically only come in 5 gallon kits at over $100/gallon

    Planted 55 gallon Major Frustration

    As far as the melting Val's. I have heard that but tho Val's died off long ago before I even started using excel.

    Planted 55 gallon Major Frustration

    Really appreciate your input. I am starting to think it is the high light and am wondering if I should block some of it to see how it does. I would raise the light but my tank is already raised and it would be like looking into a light bulb everytime you went to look at the tank This morning I...

    Angelfish Growth

    My angels have always grown fast. Those buggers love to eat. I had some guppies in tank. Those things have a ton of lie babies and the Angel Fish s a fantastic predator. Between searching for and eating them and flake food they grew like crazy. Matter of fact when the las one died I had to bury...

    H from Oxford PA

    Hello everyone. I am 32 years old and have had fish tanks all my life. However have not been serious till 8-9 years ago. I don't think I knew what the importance of water tests and PWC were prior to that. I love a well stocked tank and feel you can have alot off fish you have you have the right...

    Planted 55 gallon Major Frustration

    Alright Forum... Your help is needed. I have been a planted aquarium hobbyist for 10 years. Up until 2 years ago I havebeen veryr successful growing Val's and ferns. I wanted to step it up two years ago and bought a T5 light with 1 48" 10 K lamp and one 48" 420/460k lamp. Since I have bought...
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