Recent content by V_man

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  1. V_man

    Heavy rains changing tap water pH?

    Thanks for your input. Haven't had a chance to get back on and update but I did what you suggested that night and you were right, the pH came back up both in the tank and in a glass of tap water over night. Tap pH is getting closer to normal. The fish weren't visibly affected and after reading...
  2. V_man

    Heavy rains changing tap water pH?

    We have had about 4" of rain over the past week here in northern IL. I went to do a 50% water change/gravel vacuum today and these are my pre- and post- pH levels. Pre water change pH ~8.2 Post water change pH ~7.4 After seeing this, I tested the water directly from the tap and it was ~7.4...
  3. V_man

    55gal tank setup/progress

    Very cool. Good to see it cycled fast. I just got a 75 gal to transfer my population into, they're currently in a 46 gal. I am going to use the pure ammonia cycle method also.
  4. V_man

    Hard water and pH

    Thanks a bunch, Fresh20. Great idea! I'll do that and post the results! Vince
  5. V_man

    Hard water and pH

    Hi friends, So I am super new to this. Just got a 46 gal. aquarium a few weeks ago and I have a question about pH that has probably been asked before so I'm sorry if this is a repeat question. Overview: Tank pH is really high, relative to what I've read is normal. My tap water is pretty hard...
  6. V_man

    Hello new friends :)

    Hi everyone! So I am new to the hobby. I have always wanted an aquarium but I spent the last six years in the navy and I moved around a lot, so I wanted to wait until I had a permanent residence to do so. SO, about two weeks ago I got my first aquarium, a 46 gallon bowed tank. I also have a few...
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