Recent content by vanimal

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  1. vanimal

    New peacock eel!

    My Fire Eel loves Blood Worms but for his staple I feed him prawns. If you take a shrimp and rip it into tiny pieces he should take it. If he still won't take Blood Worms or Shrimp then try live Ghost Shrimp.
  2. vanimal

    fish in a 75 gal freshwater community tank

    That's not a good idea. I would do either 3 Angels 1 Blood Parrot 2 Pictus Cats 1 BN Pleco 1 Rainbow or Redtail Shark 1 Gourami 4 Silver Dollars or some medium sized schooling fish. I would only add these with good filtration and a good water change schedule. Or I would do 5...
  3. vanimal

    Food for CAE

    Cucumber is usually more common than Zuchinni and works just as well in my experience.
  4. vanimal

    Upgrading to a bigger tank

    Well the Pleco will outgrow the 40 gallon breeder. For plants the best substrate is Flourite IMO or you can use normal gravel/sand with root tabs and ferts. For a filter I would use a HOB because IMO a canister is pointless on a tank smaller than 75 gallons. Under gravel filters are horrible and...
  5. vanimal

    Deep sand bed

    It's fine especially when you have fish burrowing and digging in it. My cichlids love to dig in the sand and I think it's annoying when you can see the bottom so I almost always use a thick sand bed. But occasionally I will remove all decor and plants from the tank to clean and stir up the sand...
  6. vanimal

    We have EGGS!

    Most female fish will lay eggs and guard them even when a male is not present to fertilize them.
  7. vanimal

    Red tail sharks

    I would say a 55 gallon or 40 breeder would be a minimum for a Red Tail Shark.
  8. vanimal

    air pump sponge filters

    Yeah, more water actually flows through them than you would think.
  9. vanimal

    Feeding CKF pellets?

    I would feed him shrimp and Tilapia.
  10. vanimal

    whats in your dream tank at 300 gallons?

    IMO you shouldn't put Gouramis in a 300 Gallon tank unless they're giant Gouramis. They seriously limit your options with larger fish. A tank similar to this one would be a perfect choice and would provide a great environment for a Rope Fish. For substrate I would mix playsand with black...
  11. vanimal

    whats in your dream tank at 300 gallons?

    Yeah but I usually always dedicate the majority of my sumps to biological and adding stuff like Purigen, carbon, ammonia remover etc to my canisters. It's not necessary but that's just the way I do it.
  12. vanimal

    whats in your dream tank at 300 gallons?

    If it were me, I would do this. 2 Motoro Rays 3 Ornate Bichirs 4 Delhezi Bichirs 4 Peacock Bass 1 Silver Arowana 2 Florida Gars 6 Large Silver Dollars 1 Red Tail Barracuda Filtration - Sump as the main filtration - 1 Canister Filter for water polishing - Pothos With a few...
  13. vanimal

    whats in your dream tank at 300 gallons?

    I think a 300 gallon is too small. I would give a RTC a minimum of an 8' x 4' foot print for life.
  14. vanimal

    Redtail shark food?

    Flakes, Algae Wafers, Shrimp Pellets, and mine loves Cucumber which is a good, cheap, source of food.
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