Recent content by Vatilla

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  1. Vatilla

    Axoltol and Mystery Snail

    As far as I've read, they aren't too picky about temps. I'll probably just put them in my community tank to be safe. Thanks a bunch!
  2. Vatilla

    Axoltol and Mystery Snail

    I'm going to be getting 3 Axolotls soon, and I was wondering if I would be able to keep them with two full grown (bigger than golfball) sized Mystery Snails? Totally fine if I can't, I have other tanks, but I was just wondering if it would work!
  3. Vatilla

    AXOLOTL "Mexican Walking Fish"

    They don't NEED substrate, but they are okay with having sand in the tank.
  4. Vatilla

    Goldfish Advice!

    Thank you so much for all of the information you have provided me! We're thinking of doing a goldfish tank with a 50-75 gallon tank now instead of the 30, to give them more room. The reason for this is because I kind of discovered Axolotls and am dying to get some XD Love the goldies, but those...
  5. Vatilla

    Goldfish Advice!

    Oooh, I'll have to look that up! Yeah, I know they're a big commitment, I just need to convince my mother they're worth it when I leave for school in a couple years, LOL! They aren't my goldfish in the big tank, they're actually my aunts :D The goldfish I gave her was white-pink, and is now a...
  6. Vatilla

    Goldfish Advice!

    Thank you so much! Yes, I wasn't sure if I could permanently keep them in here, but I'm willing to upgrade in the future :D I would upgrade immediately, but I have no funds and they'll be pretty small to start! Okay, driftwood laying down- I'll get on that! It just won't stop floating! And I'll...
  7. Vatilla

    Goldfish Advice!

    I've had a goldfish once in the past, named Hannibal, who I rescued from a .5g "tank" in a pet store. He was in a 5 gallon for 3 weeks before being given to his now permanent home, a 150-180 gallon tank with two other goldfish (who are 25 years old). Ever since Hannibal, I've wanted more...
  8. Vatilla

    Does anyone have a "wet pet"?

    I only have one tank that has one fish in it- a little 2.5 gallon on my desk with Milo the Betta. He has tons of live plants to swim through and sits with me when I go online :) I have 3 males in a divided 10 gallon, planted like crazy with places to hide, and the rest of my tanks are also...
  9. Vatilla

    Mystery Snail Amazement!

    I got my male (I only know because I've caught the other one laying eggs four times) last August and I my female last... I want to say January. So they didn't breed until sexual maturity, a while after I got them.
  10. Vatilla

    Mystery Snail Amazement!

    There's a way to tell the males from the females, but I've never been able to do it. Yes, you need a male and female, but it only takes one time. After one mating, the female can then have an egg clutch every 4+ days for the rest of her life. I've had... 16 clutches, but not all successful...
  11. Vatilla

    Room for another fish?

    If you got rid of the Comet, you might be able to get another kind of fancy goldfish :)
  12. Vatilla

    Room for another fish?

    Right now you're actually overstocked, so no, I wouldn't suggest anymore fish in there.
  13. Vatilla

    Mystery Snail Amazement!

    I love my Mystery Snails! I just don't love their 200+ children that are living in my tank! I don't have the heart to crush the eggs, so the babies hatch, and no one eats them. Be careful, you could end up with hundreds of little Mystery Snail friends!
  14. Vatilla

    Possible 55 Gallon

    That sounds like such a great tank! I was thinking of Pearl Gouramis, but no one in the area carries them, so I asked what other kinds they had and came up with Moonlight :) Unless they're the same thing and both myself and the pet stores are just stupid XD We're still not sure of doing it, but...
  15. Vatilla

    Possible 55 Gallon

    That's what I was thinking too. My only problem that I have a lot of plant roots in my gravel, so I may instead keep my Pleco in there and put the Loaches in the 50g... Thanks, that's what I told her, but she wants coloured sand, and I keep trying to tell her it isn't a good idea XD
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