Recent content by wiseone

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If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
  1. W

    Discus Tips

    thnx will try that
  2. W

    Discus Tips

    Thnx buddy 1. Well my Discus fry (Turquoise Discus) are approx. 3 weeks old. 2. i hav seperated them from their parent and keep with Molly fry (even they are around 2 weeks old). 3. Currently i hav feed them TetraBits. 4. Everyday i chng 10-15% of the water.
  3. W

    Discus Tips

    I need few quick tips on Discus fry. Water Chemistry Feeding Cycle Kind of food Water Changing Add Salt (shld i or not?) etc etc thnx
  4. W

    Black Molly

    Hi, 5 days back my black molly gav birth 2 arnd 15-20 fry. Even since that day I been observing her it seem her stomach is bloating again day by day. Does it means she’s gonna giv birth again or there some kinda problem with her health. Pls help me thnx
  5. W

    Help needed for Black Molly Fry

    thnx alot for the help :D
  6. W

    Help needed for Black Molly Fry

    Today afternoon my black molly gave birth to around 15-20 cute little fry. I have moved the babies 2 different tank. Now I m a bit confused what shld I give the babies 2 eat n wat shld b the time interval? What are the necessary step I shld take 2 keep the babies happy n healthy??? Ne 1 got ne...
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