Recent content by YoubetterYoubet

The friendliest place on the web for anyone with an interest in aquariums or fish keeping!
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
  1. YoubetterYoubet

    Hello from California!

    Wow, great read! I passed it on to the kids. The kids have all kept pet fish before. So much to learn, and I love it. I've only had mosquito fish and just toss them in my pond and the horse troughs, you are probably cringing at that! Well if you ever want to know what goes into raising...
  2. YoubetterYoubet

    Looking for opinions

    I have one kid who chose Mollies and 3 that chose guppies. Each got quality trios from trusted breeders and all have had babies. You all may be correct and I am going about things wrong. I have always had members that kept to livestock projects. Goats, poultry, cavies, rabbits, cows, horses...
  3. YoubetterYoubet

    Hello from California!

    Oh I am sorry for not explaining it to members that are not in the USA. 4-h is a club for children aged 7-18. In 4‑H programs, kids and teens complete hands-on projects in areas like health, science, agriculture and civic engagement in a positive environment where they receive guidance from...
  4. YoubetterYoubet

    Looking for opinions

    Hello, I am the leader of our local 4-h club. This season I have 4 kids that live in apartments so keeping livestock is out of the question and so they have chosen fish as their project. We make it our mission in whatever we raise to produce quality animals. I need to teach them to have a...
  5. YoubetterYoubet

    Hello from California!

    Hi, I am the leader of my local 4-h club. And here to learn as much as I can. Thank you for having me.
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