Recent content by Zer0

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If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
  1. Zer0

    Catching crabs

    Yeah but then that would most likely destroy a lot of good things in the live rock. Pretty drastic step to take just for a couple hitchhiker crabs. The glass method is one of the best. Just put some food in the glass, lean it up against the rocks, crab comes walking into the glass to get the...
  2. Zer0

    Coral Dipping and Skimmer

    I would say get the coral dip for sure. It's a pretty invaluable item in my arsenal of reef supplies. Ever since I first used it, I knew how important it really was to always dip your coral before introducing it in to your tank.
  3. Zer0

    What kind of wrasse?

    Certainly can be. People mislabel stuff all the time. Definitely looks like the Ruby Headed one though. Gorgeous fish you got there.
  4. Zer0

    Feather duster hiding

    It's probably just acclimating to its surroundings, and the new water chemistry. There's probably no way to really coax them from their tubes as feather dusters are extremely sensitive and they can feel the slightest disturbance in the water. That's why whenever you walk by the tank they retract...
  5. Zer0

    is my duncan sick or just fat?

    I'll answer this... Duncan coral are not filter feeders.. so... no, it probably won't benefit from broadcast feeding. Not unless you broadcast feed your tank with larger then normal fish food. If the food is big enough, and happens to graze the duncans tentacles it will get stuck to the...
  6. Zer0

    Macro algea

    If your light is not strong enough, then yes, placing the algae closer to the surface of the water where the light is more intense, would be a good idea.
  7. Zer0

    Coral Dipping and Skimmer

    Well, dipping your coral is probably the best way to protect your expensive investments, which are the coral themselves. There are always going to be hitchhikers that live within the coral, and most of the time, on the frag plugs or rock rubble that the coral are attached to. Sometimes these...
  8. Zer0

    What is this?

    There are some worms and tiny invertebrates that utilize calcium to create a hard shell around their fleshy parts. This is a pretty typical thing to see, and can easily be scraped off with a razor blade. Could also be smaller colonial feather dusters. They also form a protective shell around...
  9. Zer0

    Aggressive clown

    Not sure if there is a way to really "calm" him down. They are just being territorial. True percs are more on the aggressive side, so it doesn't really surprise me. I doubt they will ever calm down. If you encroach on their territory, they will defend it.
  10. Zer0

    Carey's 60g Rimless Cube Build

    I think with only 3-3.5ft of head height, that Mag 7 will definitely provide enough flow. Still, if you ever want to change it out for something with more flow, you can absolutely do that too. If you are not going to have a fuge, and you just want a section for the drain and the skimmer, then...
  11. Zer0

    Carey's 60g Rimless Cube Build

    Sounds good. Whether or not the Mag 7 will be enough depends on the distance and height from the return pump, to the output of return line. So, look at the Mag 7's max head height, and then calculate how high it will be from the floor of your sump to the return nozzle in your tank and go from...
  12. Zer0

    annemone question

    Then you could be right. I wasn't counting out your suggestion. That may very well be a light deprived curly cue. The tentacles surely do have some resemblance as well.
  13. Zer0

    annemone question

    Idk.. this anemone kind of looks thin and less developed as well as much smaller then normal curly cue anemone's. Not sure though...
  14. Zer0

    Meteor Shower?

    Yep. That's a war coral. This is what Meteor Shower Cyphastrea looks like: Picture taken from Buy Meteor Shower Cyphastrea on Sale at
  15. Zer0

    Carey's 60g Rimless Cube Build

    Reef Octopus makes some incredible skimmers, as well as Bubble Magus. Right now I have a bubble magus on my cube and I absolutely love it. Couldn't be happier. You can adjust it to run really wet, or really dry so it collects a sludge rather then a watery skimmate.
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