Recent content by Zwei

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  1. Z

    What Did You do With Your Tank Today?

    Hi. I did pwc after testing. I noticed two surprise blue platy babies. I'm wondering if my first platy, a red wag, is pregnant. I got her at the end of May. She's so much bigger than the others. I brushed off the leaves of the new plants and adjusted them into the substrate as needed.
  2. Z

    Hi. So much to learn!

    I'm new to the site and new to aquariums. I have two 5 gallon nano aquariums both Fluval, the spec and the chi. and platies. 4 adults and 6 fry. I wish I had read up a lot before I planted everything and brought home the fish, but I didn't. I've had the spec tank for a month now. And just got...
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