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  1. F

    Betta's Fin rot not Getting better

    I got him from PetSmart a few weeks ago. I noticed that he had minor fin rot so I did 50% changes and added double dose of stresscoat. However, that did not work and it got worse. I added some salt (1TSP/G) and did 100% daily. His fins kept melting away and so I shut off his heater and filter to...
  2. F

    Fin rot in betta fish

    Hi, I recently bought a betta from PetSmart and I noticed that he has fin rot. So I quickly did a 50% water change and added 5 teaspoons of canning/picking salt (no iodine). Over the past few days, I've been doing 50% water changes daily and adding 2 teaspoons of salt back in. I've been treating...
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