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  1. 123westbury123

    Tire track ell in a planted aqarium

    Hi I want to put a tire track ell in my planted aquarium would this be ok or would my plants be in danger. Also what are some good tank mates for a tire track ell. Right now the tank is one week old and has a golden algae eater and a snail.
  2. 123westbury123

    Aqarium supplies AA Green killing machine and aqueon 300w heater

    I purchased a AA Green Killing Machine 24w and aqueon 300w heater will both of these fit in my 20 gallon high tank :thanks:
  3. 123westbury123

    recommended equipment for a 20 gallon freshwater tank

    I was thinking of using manly Hagen products as that seems to be the best brand what are your thoughts
  4. 123westbury123

    Feeder comets in a tropical community

    I have some feeder comets in a tropical community tank. How do you think they will do
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