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  1. F

    Need help: fish dying :(

    I have about 10 guppies, 2 scissortail rasboras, 1 galaxy rasbora, 1 corydora, 1 platy and 1 pleco in a 55 gallon tank. It seems everyday I find another guppy dead and it seems their tails have been picked. Who would be the culprit? The water parameters are where they should be. Ideas...
  2. F

    Guppies and galaxy rasbora dead? Am I housing the wrong mates?

    I had 6 guppies, 2 galaxy rasboras, 1 platy, 1 cory cat, 1 pleco, 2 scissortail rasboras and 1 dwarf gourami in a 55 gallon tank with hiding places and plants. Today I come home and 1 galaxy and one guppy is dead. It looks like both of their tails were ate off. Would it be the dwarf gourami...
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