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The friendliest place on the web for anyone with an interest in aquariums or fish keeping!
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  1. Datreeferman

    How long can my fish be ok without eating

    I have a goby,pair of clowns and a chalk bass along with a small cuc. I was going to Puerto Rico for a week(Tuesday to Tuesday)and have nobody to feed my fish and my fish only accept frozen foods so I can't use an automatic feeder, I was just wondering, will my tank inhabitants go a week without...
  2. Datreeferman

    Help ASAP!power head problem!

    I have a 30 gallon reef tank with 4 fish,soft corals and a candy cane coral. My power head mouth functioned and isn't working. I was wondering, how long can corals go without a power head? All I have is a hang-on-the-back filter for 25 gallons for back up. So how long can the corals last without...
  3. Datreeferman

    Black algae/fungus/mold? Help!

    Hi everybody, I've had a black or very dark green fungus, algae or mold on my drift wood for a while, I've heard that it was a bacteria build up and that I'd go away, so far it's been on my wood for a couple weeks and it hasn't gone away, about a couple days ago it started spreading to my plants...
  4. Datreeferman

    Neon tetras turning orange?

    Hi everyone, I got 4 neon tetras about 2 weeks ago and looked perfectly healthy but now they look like they're turning orange little by little. My params are good except my nitrate/nitrite are a little hi so I'll do a water change. Any ideas of what it could be, I have 2 other fish...
  5. Datreeferman

    Neon tetra disease

    Hi, I bought 5 neon tetras at petco and I had to euthanize one because it had neon tetra disease, now I have 4 left. Is it ok if I have only 4 left? Will they die if there's less than 5 in a school or am I fine with just 4? If they do stress a and die how long will it take before that happens...
  6. Datreeferman

    10 gallon Stocking question

    How does this sound for a ten gallon aquarium? I already have 4 small neon tetras and 2 mollies. I was planning to get 1-4 more neon tetras, 3 corys and 3 guppies. Is that too much? Just enough? Could I get more? Thanks.:)
  7. Datreeferman

    Filter broken during cycle emergency! Please help!

    Hey everybody, I've been cycling my tank for a couple days now and this evening I've found that my filter stopped working. Will the cycle keep going? Will it affect the cycle? If so how? Is this really bad? I probably won't be able to wash out my filter till this weekend because I won't have...
  8. Datreeferman

    Tank cycling help

    Hey everybody, I just set up my ten gallon freshwater tank today, I have some questions about how to cycle a freshwater tank, and if it's even needed. I've heard of a fish food cycling method so that's what I'm using. I added a small dash of fish food so far today. How often do I add the fish...
  9. Datreeferman

    Torch coral help ASAP!

    Hey everyone, earlier I had posted a post that my torch coral was shriveled up and I was wondering if it was sick, dying or just natural for it to happen now and then. It's been shriveld for around 4-5 weeks now, but today there is almost no tentacles showing. All my other corals are fine,so are...
  10. Datreeferman

    Shriveled torch coral

    Hey everybody, a couple days ago my small torch coral just shriveled up. I don't think I changed the current or anything or added or took away anything. The only thing that is different is that I upgraded my light last month. I did a water change today and all my params are good, my salinity is...
  11. Datreeferman

    Cleaner shrimp

    I have a skunk cleaner shrimp but I don't ever see it doing its job. I got it 3 days ago and when I first put it in the aquarium it seemed as if it were trying to clean the fish but every time it would reach 4 the fish the fish would move away as if it were scared. After a while the shrimp just...
  12. Datreeferman

    Super glue?

    I've heard that you can use super glue to glue frags to rocks. Is that true? If so how? What type of super glue? Any help appreciated,:thanks:
  13. Datreeferman

    Latex gloves in aquarium

    Hi, I was just wondering if I could use latex gloves in my 25 gallon saltwater aquarium. If so, what type should I use? I have excema on my skin and I'm not aloud to stick my hands in my aquarium. Any other suggestions of what I can use besides latex gloves? Will latex gloves poison my reef? Thanks.
  14. Datreeferman

    What fish or shrimp should I add to a tank with a damsel already in it?

    Thinking of adding shrimp and fish to my saltwater aquarium. Can I add a shrimp to my aquarium that has a damsel in it? Will it be ok? Can I add a fish to my aquarium with a damsel in it? Will the fish be ok? Is their any techniques to introduce shrimp or fish to an aquarium with a yellow tailed...
  15. Datreeferman

    String of eggs of some sort?

    So I wake up this mornin and I see this. It's hard to capture on camera but to describe it it's a white string popping out of my live rock. It looks like it's holding eggs in it. Is it good,bad,what is it? It just swings in the current. I don't think it's spaghetti worm.
  16. Datreeferman

    Sea slugs?

    Sorry I can't take a pic of these things. They're small about the size of a millimeter or 5 grains of sand. They're orange and look like slugs? What are they? If they're slugs then what type? Are they reef safe? Please help me find out what they are. :thanks:
  17. Datreeferman

    Do corals normally close up at night?

    All 6 of my corals close up/shrivel/shrink at night time. Is this normal? As soon as I wake up they're all open again. I have a torch coral, Kenya tree,mushroom,Xenia,zoas,and a candy cane coral. I have no lights on at night and all my params are good. My torch will sometimes open at night.
  18. Datreeferman

    Is this good placement for my corals?

    I have zoanthids, torch coral,Xenia, candy cane coral, and a mushroom in the middle column. A Kenya tree and Xenia on the bottom. My tank is a little more than a foot tall and 2 feet across. 25 gallon. I have reef sun 50/50 lights. Is this good placement for my corals. I've heard that torch...
  19. Datreeferman

    Torch coral help?

    Today I just bought a small torch coral. I don't know to much about them. I have good water params, a power head and reef sun 50/50 lights. Help and advice and info would be appreciated.
  20. Datreeferman

    Help, my mushroom!

    My mushroom shriveled up after it fell to the bottom on the sand do to the cuc knocking it down. It was on a small shell so it was already pretty easy to knock it down. Will it be ok?it looks pretty bad:( will it die do to stress?
  21. Datreeferman

    Help! Dying colt/Kenya tree...

    I got some new corals the other day, a mushroom, Xenia and a Kenya tree. I put everything in a perfect place in the aquarium and all my coral are doing fine except for my Kenya tree. I could not find a good place to put it because it's so small. Every were I put it it flies out of place cause of...
  22. Datreeferman

    post your best aquarium pics and make this a huge thread!

    :cool:post your best aquarium pics and make this a huge thread!
  23. Datreeferman

    How to post pics picks?

    How do I post pics. I'm doing it through my I pad it won't let me.
  24. Datreeferman

    Dying Kenya tree coral? Or will it be ok?

    I got some new corals the other day, a mushroom, Xenia and a Kenya tree. I put everything in a perfect place in the aquarium and all my coral are doing fine except for my Kenya tree. I could not find a good place to put it because it's so small. Every were I put it it flies out of place cause of...
  25. Datreeferman

    Protein skimmer?

    This will be my first post on this website,:) I had my fish tank set up since the beginning of May and fully finished cycling it at the end of June. I had a candy cane coral for a while now so 2 days ago I decided to get more coral. Xenia,mushrooms, and Kenya tree. They're all frags. I was...
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