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  1. heatherhribal

    Angel eggs!

  2. heatherhribal

    White Cloud Mountain minnow HELP!

    My sister got some (4) of these to add to her school (6). She hasn't added them yet because they have black spots. This is not her fish but a picture of exactly what it looks like... Are these black pinpoint spots bad? Like black ich or something? Should she return the fish? Thank you in...
  3. heatherhribal

    Nerite snails and goldfish

    Can nerite snails be with fancy goldfish? So room temp tank with no heater. 39 gal with 2 fancy goldfish and 2 dojo loaches and lots of algae! It is my sisters tank with filtration and an air bubbler. Thanks!!
  4. heatherhribal

    Nerite snail question

    Is it normal for my snails to climb up the glass and above the water level? So their bodies are out of the water. I just found 2 of them above the water level. They are new to my tank yesterday. Tested water today. Ammo 0.25 nitrite 0 nitrate 5. Did 40% pwc. Temp 78. Will they suffocate? Or is...
  5. heatherhribal

    New tank for my dad

    My dad has well water. What can we do to make it safe for fish? Anyone know? Thank you :)
  6. heatherhribal


    Freshwater 55g 2 gourami 2 angel 2 molly and 2 kuhli loaches. My heater must have malfunctioned. Or water got below where it should be on the heater. I usually keep it at 79. I got home tonight and went to do water tests. Water felt HOT! It was at least 89. I'm doing a water change. Can the...
  7. heatherhribal

    Bamboo shrimp

    Does anyone bamboo shrimp need live plants? Thank you!!!
  8. heatherhribal

    Sick fancy goldfish please help!!

    My sister has a 39 g goldfish tank. 3 fancy goldfish and 2 dojo loaches. One of the goldfish got itself stuck down in one of the fake tree trunk decorations. She was probably stuck for at least one full day. When this was discovered my sister had to take it out and pound the bottom to get her...
  9. heatherhribal

    Can anyone help?

    I posted earlier about my gourami. She looks like she has an injury or spot of something on her back?? The male chases and nips her. And I noticed one of the angels nipping her today too. Otherwise she swims and eats normal. 55g 2 blue gourami 2 angels quarter size 1 platy 2 mollies 2 kuhli...
  10. heatherhribal

    Is my gourami girl injured?

    Tan spot near fin. Is this an injury from the male? He chases her and nips at her sides. Or could this be an illness? She is swimming and eating normal. Thanks!
  11. heatherhribal

    Thinking about saltwater!

    I am pretty new to fishkeeping. I have a freshwater aquarium and i love it! I have a lot of learning to do before I do a saltwater aquarium! So in the next several months I plan on reading and researching. I would like maybe a 30 gallon reef tank. For saltwater reef is a hob filter enough? I...
  12. heatherhribal


    I would like to add a snail or two to my tank. I have 55gallon 2 kuhli loaches ( I plan on getting 3 more) 2 blue gourami 2 angels 3 mollies and 3 fry I'm planning on adding 4-5 Julii cories And a school of something colorful and small (I'm having trouble choosing because I want the school to...
  13. heatherhribal

    Schooling fish for 55g

    What is your favorite schooling fish? I have 2 blue gouramis and 2 angelfish (still small) so something big enough that it won't be a meal! I would love to add a school of 6 or 8 of something active and colorful to my tank. Also in the tank 2 kuhli loaches (I plan on adding a few more) and 3...
  14. heatherhribal

    Cory or pleco?

    55g 2 blue gouramis 2 kuhli loaches 3 mollies 3 Molly fry is breeder box 2 angelfish I'm planning for some bottom feeders for my next addition. What do you prefer? Most fun to watch? Tiger pleco or Julii Cory? I don't want bigger than 6 inches as adults. Your opinions or ideas are...
  15. heatherhribal

    Large or small pwc?

    55g freshwater. Temp 79 2 blue gouramis 2 angels 3 mollies 2 kuhlii loaches 3 5 day old Molly babies in a net nursery hanging in large tank pH 7.8 Nitrite 0.25 ppm Nitrate near 0 Ammonia between 0.25 and 0.5 ppm I want my first babies to survive! Any advice is appreciated!
  16. heatherhribal


    Is this a Molly?
  17. heatherhribal

    My crazy blue gourami

    I have 9 fish including two blue gouramis. One male and one female. (I have no idea if this has anything to do with the algae pellet or not...). Today I put an algae pellet in the tank and the male gourami turned into a bully! He was hogging the algae pellet and for the next few hours nipped at...
  18. heatherhribal

    My crazyblue gourami

    I have 9 fish including two blue gouramis. One male and one female. (I have no idea if this has anything to do with the algae pellet or not...). Today I put an algae pellet in the tank and the male gourami turned into a bully! He was hogging the algae pellet and for the next few hours nipped at...
  19. heatherhribal

    New to AA

    Hello! I am new to fish keeping and thought I would check out this site for hints and tips. I have a 55g freshwater tank so far with 2 blue gouramis 2 angels 2 kuhlii loaches and 3 mollies. In a couple weeks I plan on adding a few more fish. I love the idea of having a variety. Look forward...
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