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  1. B

    Fish just died.

    Recently added a piece of Mopani Drift wood purchased fromt he LFS. Soaked it over night in a bucket of water treated with prime. He told me it was some of the original pieces of wood he purchased over 3 years ago and had just been sitting on the shelf with lots of other pieces. I have been...
  2. B

    I think my baby Peacock Bass is sick.

    I have 4 Baby Peacock Bass and 2 Bala Sharks in a 55gal Aquarium. Tank hasnt finished cycling yet water temp is currently at 81 Degrees, Ph is about 7.5 (with API master test kit), Nitrite is about .25ppm - .50ppm, Nitrate is 0ppm, Ive been chasing the ammonia levels for the past 3 days its...
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