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The friendliest place on the web for anyone with an interest in aquariums or fish keeping!
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  1. M

    Fighting Fish

    My brother bought a siamese fighter fish the other day and has it in a tank which has a mirror attached to the side. We have had mixed responses on whether this is good neutral or negative for the fish. So far we have noticed that he flares up occasionally when he watches his reflection but also...
  2. M

    New Fish

    Hi All Im going to be swapping quite a few of the fish in my tank cos i want a bit of a new look. I was wondering whether anyone had any thoughts on whether it would be best to have large schools of two or three species or more of a variety. i was thinking that the big schools would make more...
  3. M

    How close to the light?

    hi all. I need help working out my plant problem. I have a deep 86 cm tank serviced by a 30cm 8 watt fluro. I have java fern and moss as well as val but the vall is obviously not getting enough light. My thinking was as it grew higher it would get more light . This did not happen. I now want to...
  4. M

    Tough Fish

    Hi all i have had a 90 litre tank running for a year now however i still do not have it stocked to my satisfaction. Nearly all of the fish i have bought have died through either fungal infections, ich or without any apparent reaason. At the moment i have four platys four long finned zebra danios...
  5. M

    The guy with the cursed Tank

    Hi everyone i just joined today and thought this would be a good place to start. I started keeping fish about a year and a half and ago and bought a second hand octagonal tank thats 86cm tall and about 30 across from memory its about 92 litres.Since then i think ihave experienced every...
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