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  1. M

    My Planted Shrimp Tank :)

    Sweet tank. Your glass catfish look a little jumpy. They would probably be happier if you had some floating plants that they could swim in place under.
  2. M

    Tetras that dont nip

    Most tetras don't nip. The ones that do are the exception. My favorites are rummynoses.
  3. M

    What is the best handling of a non compatible aggressive fish?

    Chinese or golden algae eaters are one of those fish which shouldn't be offered for sale. They do a good job of algae cleanup when young, but less so when they mature. They also get very aggressive. A better option would have been a bristlenose pleco. The pet shop should take the fish back...
  4. M

    Medium to Large Colorful schoolers

    In my 90 gallon tank, I currently have schools of neons, harlequin rasboras, glass catfish, pencilfish, rummynose tetras and emperor tetras. I recommend all of the above.
  5. M

    Medium to Large Colorful schoolers

    Rummynoses are my favorite tetras. They form a tight school and sweep back and forth across the tank. They stay in the bottom third of the tank. Dwarf neon rainbowfish stay in the top third of the tank. They don't really school, but emperor tetras are gorgeous.
  6. M

    To Add Angelfish, Or Not To Add Angelfish, That Is The Question!

    I've found that angels work best in large groups in large tanks. I keep 6 very large angels in a 150 gallon tank with 6 geos and about 50 cories. I couldn't keep 2 angels in a 90 gallon tank because the dominant angel was constantly harassing the other one. IMO, a 45 gallon long is too small...
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    Either bait and remove unwanted snails or purchase assassin snails.
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    Your tank is way too small for clown loaches. They like to be kept in schools and can grow to 12". I keep dwarf loaches in one of my tanks.
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    Not sure why you are showing ammonia in a cycled tank and high nitrates if you are doing so many water changes, especially when you are using RO water. Why are you using RO water? Is your gravel dirty? You may be overfeeding and the excess food and waste are getting underneath the gravel. I...
  10. M


    Ammonia should be 0. Nitrates are high too. How long has the tank been setup? Is it cycled? You should do daily 30% water changes until things are stable and 40% water changes thereafter. What is your setup? Stocking, w/c schedule, substrate.
  11. M

    Schooling fish

    My favorite schooling fish are rummynose tetras. Regarding your current stocking, iridescent sharks are actually catfish which get very large and are food fish in Asia. They are also very jumpy and usually injure themselves against the glass when spooked. Definitively a fish which shouldn't...
  12. M

    Lighting advice-75 gallon tank

    +1 on a Finnex LED fixture. Super bright, LEDs last for years, low profile, low heat, low energy. I grow different varieties of anubias, crypts, and Java fern. Some of the anubias grew so large that they are practically growing out of the tank.
  13. M

    Fed up with canister filters

    I use Eheim canisters on my 150 and 90 gallon tanks. I recently took out of service 2 Professional II filters which have been running for over 20 years. They developed leaks from the priming buttons and I figured it was time to move on and replace them with new ones. As someone else...
  14. M

    Dwarf puffer in a community tank

    Here are your problems. A 26 gallon tank is relatively small, and too small for angelfish. Angelfish are going to grow to at least 6" tall and will snack on your guppies and neons. As angelfish are cichlids, there is a low probability that 2 can co-exist in a small tank. I keep 6 in a 150...
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    Knifefish species

    Of course he would be ok for 2 hours. Knifefish are generally wild caught, so think about the logistics involved: collecting location in South America, local distributor, shipment to wholesaler in US, shipment to local pet shop. I'm probably missing a few steps, but the point is that wild...
  16. M

    Stocking a 55 gallon help ASAP and what plants will be good for it

    I have LED lighting on my tanks (Finnex) and I grow crypts, anubias, Java fern, Java moss and duckweed like mad. Anubias and Java fern grow best tied to driftwood and don't need strong lighting. With regard to your fish selection, I have a couple of concerns. Everywhere I have read states...
  17. M

    Filling tank with a garden hose

    I've heard that some hoses are treated with anti-microbial products which would be harmful to fish. You should purchase a Python which would both fill and drain a tank. When I'm draining water, I let gravity do the work and drain directly into my toilet.
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    Need some help!

    The cloudiness is a bacteria bloom. I'm surprised that your fish are dying if there is no ammonia or nitrite. Maybe you should check the ph.
  19. M

    Need some help!

    Sounds like your tank isn't cycled. The cycle is ammonia converted to nitrite then nitrate. Your tank is cycled when ammonia is zero and you are registering nitrates. You should have run your old filter on the new tank alongside the new filter. You can try adding some of the bottled bacteria...
  20. M

    Angels fighting

    I couldn't keep 2 together in a 90 gallon but 6 get along well in a 150. Angels do best in small groups if you have adequate space.
  21. M

    Which of These Are Better Tank Mates for a Betta in a 10 gallon?

    I think that 5 corys would work in a 10 gallon tank. My recommendation is that you tell your friend to start with a larger tank. A 10 gallon is luxurious for 5 or 6 fish, but fishkeepers tend to overstock. 10 gallon tanks are commonly sold as starter tanks, but experienced fishkeepers know...
  22. M

    How long a new fish can survive without eating?

    Have you tried different foods, including greens?
  23. M

    How long a new fish can survive without eating?

    Mouthbrooding cichlids go 3 weeks without eating, so don't worry too much.
  24. M

    Mixing these fish?

    Where to begin? (not being sarcastic,just trying to help) Number of fish has nothing to do with stocking. You have to go by ultimate size of fish. Common plecos are poor choices for most tanks. They can quickly grow to over a foot and are poop machines. BNPs make better choices. Angelfish...
  25. M

    What is this exactly?

    It looks like cyanobacteria. It's a pain in the rear to get rid of. Trying removing it manually and increasing water circulation.
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