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The friendliest place on the web for anyone with an interest in aquariums or fish keeping!
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  1. 20160311 191120

    20160311 191120

  2. New Plants!!

    New Plants!!

  3. M

    Help!! Sick pregnant platy :(

    Pet Smart here sells a product called T.C. Tetracycline made by API. Is that the same thing. It does come in a package of 10 powder packets. Also should I segregate her during treatment or is it safe for the other fish who aren't effected to ingest the medicine as well?
  4. M

    Help!! Sick pregnant platy :(

    I have all orange platy's in my tank. I have one platy who is currently pregnant and I was treating the tank for fin rot using Rid Fungus which turned out to be useless because I thought fin rot was a fungus but it's actually not. I was on day 3 of treating the tank with that when I had my...
  5. M

    How to tell if fin rot is healing

    I have a 20 gallon tank and I have been treating my fish for fin rot using Kordon Rid Fungus. The first 3 days I used 2 tsp, twice a day. I took out the carbon filter and the fish that are effected seem to be healing but how can I be sure? When should I stop using the treatment and should I...
  6. 20160308 114443

    20160308 114443

  7. 20160305 110629

    20160305 110629

  8. My tank!!

    My tank!!

    Say hello to my platy colony!!
  9. M

    Platy fry problem

    My female platy gave birth on January 23rd. I have 8 fry in the breeder tank. 4 of them swim around normally but the other 4 just lie on the bottom. Their eyes move and their fins are moving, but they don't swim normally. When I put food in the tank, they swim up to get it but it's very...
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