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  1. S

    Is my tank cycling? Water chem not changing.

    Lol...HOLY FISH. What is wrong with my math skills? Thanks for the reply. My wife is laughing at me. My eventual goal is to have cory cats, clown loaches, a rainbow shark, German or Bolivian rams, and some Glo Fish or Dalmatian Mollies (the last two being my son's requests). I am dedicated...
  2. S

    Is my tank cycling? Water chem not changing. my similar situation...I have a 60 gallon tank with 6 Danios. Are you saying I should increase the amount of fish to 30-40 fish? That seems like huge overkill from everything else I've read. Can you advise? And other add-in if you can/will.
  3. S

    Is my tank cycling? Water chem not changing.

    In the same boat... Spaullba, Hanging out in this thread because I'm experiencing the same exact thing. I (or my 8 year old son) got a 60 gallon freshwater tank for Christmas. We've had 6 Zebra Danios in the tank since 12/29/16. We kick-started the tank with a "very" used filter sponge...
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