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  1. UntimelyLord

    Mesh between soil and sand cap

    I’ve read about some people putting a layer of mesh— like the plastic needle-point canvas, maybe— between their dirt and their sand cap. I even read of someone using a layer of leaves between the two, but the plastic seems like it would hold up better. Presumably this would help the with soil...
  2. UntimelyLord

    "Pin holes" in fins and gasping fish

    Hi, haven't been on this forum in a while quite frankly because of depression. Anyway I know figuring out fish illness is often a shot in the dark but I'm lost on this one so here goes. My dwarf gourami suddenly got what looks like clean pin holes in his fins. It does not look like fin rot...
  3. UntimelyLord

    For Sale: Salvinia Cucullata

    I have a lot of Salvinia Cucullata! It is a nice floating plant that grows in all lighting conditions. Its roots only get about 1 inch so they don't dangle into your tank much. It is sturdy and floats back up to the top even if it gets tossed around by the filter. In high lighting conditions the...
  4. UntimelyLord

    Outer space themed planted 29 gallon

    Hey! I'm just getting started on a low-tech planted tank with a sci-fi/space theme. The specs so far: 29 gallon tank Sunsun 303b canister filter Beamswork DA FSPEC LED (based on how this has worked on my 24" tank I think this will put me in the edge of low/medium light) ADA Aqua Soil Amazonia...
  5. UntimelyLord

    Lymphocystis again?

    About a year ago I had lymphocystis come up in my school of skirt tetras because their "head honcho" tetra died and they were stressing figuring out who should be the new boss. With time and a few extra water changes the lymphocystis went away, and I figured I was done with it as long as fish...
  6. UntimelyLord

    Amano Attack

    Holy crap! I just witnessed three amano shrimp take down a skirt tetra! I'm startled because I am pretty new to shrimp but have been enjoying them and was not aware that this was something that could happen; I would have thought they found the fish already dead had I not seen them take it down...
  7. UntimelyLord

    Petco Dollar Per Gallon Sale USA

    I've gotten word that the Petco dollar per gallon sale starts today in the US! I haven't been in yet myself but I might just have to later today... Hey, get yourself a quarantine/hospital tank if you don't have one!
  8. UntimelyLord

    Strange things are afoot with Flourite

    In my 30 gallon tall, I changed my regular aquarium gravel out with Flourite about five days ago. I've been testing the water every day to look out for a mini-cycle, and so far, so good (ammonia and nitrites at zero) but I seem to have a problem with my pH and KH changing! I chose Flourite as a...
  9. UntimelyLord

    Identify plant?

    I was delighted today to receive an Aquabid plant order with "bonus" plants! I've been able to identify some of them but since I'm new to planted tanks I'm not sure on some. The bottom plant I'd guess is a baby sword, but what is the top one? It has pinkish undersides to its leaves. It has fine...
  10. UntimelyLord


    Hi there, I never introduced myself! I'm just a person who is interested in animal science and also science fiction. I've been keeping aquariums for five years and I always have fun learning more! Recently I've been learning more about planted tanks, and I've been browsing a lot here reading...
  11. UntimelyLord

    Tall plants for super low light?

    I have a 30 gallon tall tank (24 inches deep) with a single T5 light (15 watts) with reflector and gravel substrate and have been managing to grow anubias and Java fern and float anacharis. I would like to know if there is a plant that can survive in these conditions that could reach to the top...
  12. UntimelyLord

    Make sure new plants are not "treated" for snails!

    Just a reminder for shrimp newbies like me that some stores treat aquatic plants with copper to kill snails-- which can also kill your shrimp! (It took me 3 days to realise this was the problem with my amano shrimp. They had been all clustered on my heater, not eating, and I knew something was...
  13. UntimelyLord

    Would this be too much light?

    The light to my 30 gallon high needs replacing, and I was thinking about getting something that is at least better than my current single T5. I've been growing Java fern and anubias for a couple years under that light, but they seem to just survive and grow very very slowly. I'm not looking to...
  14. UntimelyLord

    LED vs Fluorescent?

    Just wondering what the consensus is for LED vs Fluorescent lighting in planted tanks? Most of the posts I've seen discussing this are 5+ years old, and I'm thinking that technology has changed significantly since then. I've also heard that LEDs are okay only for shallow tanks? Is this accurate?
  15. UntimelyLord

    Bacterial Dropsy?

    I have a 30 gallon tank that has been set up for about 5 years now. I've had a small school (7) of white skirt tetras for about 6 months. Recently one of them got bulging eyes, bloated stomach, and eventually pineconing scales-- symptoms of dropsy, I thought. I tried to treat with Melafix and...
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