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  1. D

    Angelfish keep dying

    Mine all survive well at 8.2 +. And have never had problems
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    For Sale: Rotala Indica and Crypts

    Your crypts look like the ones I recently purchased and they were named crypt lutea. But seeing as there are so many varieties of crypt I could be mistaken
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    New 29 Gallon Advice Needed

    New environment. He/she will likely get comfortable over time. (Hopefully)
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    Will this stand work?

    Essentially underneath I would spread the weight out using what could be best described as eight legs underneath the four short boards. Or four at each corner of the squares. Therefore instead of having 200 lbs per leg if built your way it would have 100 lbs per leg built my way. Therefore...
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    Will this stand work?

    Tripod???? Nothing about it is a tripod.
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    Will this stand work?

    Here is the theory and I'll make it simple. Stand one board up its flimsy. Put two together into an L shape it's much stronger. Add another and make it a c shape and it's really strong. Add minor supports across the front where the drawers are and you could almost park a car on it. Since there...
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    Will this stand work?

    Stands sold are mass produced. And they are designed for it. It's all about the design. They won't look any stronger than the one you had. That's why in my opinion and I would have used your original with minor modification on the bottom under the trim. What is usually overlooked is proper...
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    Will this stand work?

    23 years carpentry experience here and I would think as long as you got it level it should work. But best to have a pro look at it because you can only see so much in a picture.
  9. D

    three rounds of ich cure and ich not gone?

    That's entirely up to you. Usually I don't quarantine fish with ick. I just leave the fish in their main tank and raise temperature. If I do medicate I medicate at half dose in main tank because I have some scaleless fish and ick can be in the water and substrate. That's why vacuuming is...
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    three rounds of ich cure and ich not gone?

    My personal opinion is no more meds just raise the temperature. It has always worked well for me. No meds necessary in most cases. To many meds can't be good for anything. Lots of water changes(vacuuming substrate) warmer water and prime water conditioner faithfully until cycled.
  11. D

    three rounds of ich cure and ich not gone?

    Put the temperature up to 86 degrees. For about two weeks. Longer if necessary. Ick cannot survive and continue reproducing at higher temperatures. Even if it's not on the fish it's in the water so don't lower temp as soon as you don't see it on the fish
  12. D

    what type of shrimp is this

    Female ghost shrimp are generally quite a bit larger than the males. It may be a case of you having one female and 3 males.
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    Snails and Shrimp?

    I've never seen a six inch shrimp at the fish store. Usually just some cherry shrimp or crystal which stay very small and are very easy prey for most fish. However if you found a larger shrimp I suppose it could be possible. I have a 2.5 inch rock shrimp ( or bamboo shrimp can't remember what it...
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    Java Fern Questions

    Curious as well. I was just gonna let nature do its thing
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    Fish keep dying

    My guess is your tank was still cycling. Improper readings from test strips when the API master kit is the only thing I've found is accurate. Also research how to properly clean your filter (VERY Important) if done wrong can make your tank have mini cycles that kill your fish with ammonia...
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    New member

    Keep doing the lots of water changes. The cycle that establishes an aquarium takes a month or two depending on environment. If you don't you may have some very upset children if the fish pass on.
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    Yoyo s are awesome fish but they are fin nippers. And extremely active which can cause stress. I have 4 angels and 4 yoyo s in my 55 and am likely gonna put the yoyo s in a different tank cause of it.
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    A small group of Cory Dora's they cool little fish to watch and don't need a big tank. But you should have atleast four of the same species Cory Dora. Some would even say six is better. But species only tanks are better
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    Plants have brown film

    Not sure what kind of tank you have but mollies will devour diatoms. I have a few tanks and when ever I need ornaments cleaned or my Anubius or java fern cleaned I just put it in my molly tank and they go crazy over it.
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    Serial killer

    Spend lots of hours learning about nitrogen cycle which tells you about ammonia nitrite and nitrate. Then research gold fish which will explain why they need such big tanks. Which when you understand these things it will all of the sudden "click" why the goldfish keep dying.
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    Breeding tube and clear poop?

    Clear poop once in a while is nothing to worry about ( I base that on my own angelfish not off of research) just watch to make sure it isn't always clear. If it's always clear I would guess some sort of parasite but be sure before treating for anything
  22. D

    White thing on fish. Very urgent help required please.

    On an over stocked tank it should probably be 30 percent twice a week unless heavily planted. But that's just my opinion as every tank is different and can depend on size and age of fish as well.
  23. D

    Shrimp acting weird, fish are now too.

    It could actually be the same problem as this guy had also
  24. D

    Shrimp acting weird, fish are now too.
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