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  1. mimiheart

    Fed up with canister filters

    Sponge filters are love. Sponge filters are life. (Though I wouldn't rely solely on one for a 75g.)
  2. mimiheart

    Sponge Filters for Betta - how to set up

    I LOVE sponge filters. Especially for bettas. Get a control valve, though. In a 2.5 you won't need the air at full strength unless you have it split a ton. After you switch it out you may have a mini cycle, but there should be enough beneficial bacteria in the tank to make it not too bad of a...
  3. mimiheart

    Bladder or pond?

    Thanks! Still is pretty and is cleaning stuff for me, so nbd.
  4. mimiheart

    Bladder or pond?

    I'm pretty sure it's a bladder snail. This is the snail the snail fairy gave me. I moved it to the ten because why not? Just double checking my google-fu.
  5. mimiheart

    white spot

    I've noticed an error with adding pictures if I try and add more than one on the app. Does the white patch look fuzzy at all? What water conditioner are you using?
  6. mimiheart

    Is it ok to let my Cherry Barbs give birth but allow them to be eaten?

    I have livebearers, and I largely do a survival of the fittest approach with them. I rarely pull out fry unless I'm looking for something specific or know someone who wants/needs something. I also have kept fish I know will eat fry in my tanks as population control when I haven't had room for...
  7. mimiheart

    Considering mystery snails

    Two common plecos? None of those fish will bother the snails, but the plecos are going to be a problem very soon if they aren't already. Also, do you have male bettas or female bettas in the 20? Because if males that's just asking for trouble. Females do better in bigger groups or alone.
  8. mimiheart

    Help with dying Pleco.

    For a common in a 30 gallon I'd do 15 gallons weekly. After everything has been cleared up and is healthy looking you might be able to get away with 10 gallons weekly. I wouldn't add another fish into a 30 gallon right now. You have a good sized goldfish and they produce a lot of waste.
  9. mimiheart

    Filter broke... troubleshooting by mom.

    We don't have any sort of automated system, so we're doing it with buckets and siphons. And lugging all the buckets around the house is actually quite a chore. Especially if you're talking about doing it multiple times a week. I'm certainly not able to physically move 40+ gallons for just the...
  10. mimiheart

    Help with dying Pleco.

    Rinse it in the tank water. Don't rinse it in sink water.
  11. mimiheart

    blood worm?

    Check your fish. It might be a camallanus worm. If it IS you'll see them wiggling out the back end of the fish sometimes. They look like bloodworms.
  12. mimiheart

    Filter broke... troubleshooting by mom.

    We do a 25% change on all of our tanks once a week, with a larger change once a month, unless there's something weird happening, which is pretty rare. Filters keep the water polished and aerated, and provide a home for beneficial bacteria. I've switched to sponge filters for the most part, I...
  13. mimiheart

    Confirming diagnosis - Nitrate Shock?

    Ammonia spike, like dalto said. Also maybe if there was a ton of mulm or not enough circulation maybe not enough oxygen.
  14. mimiheart

    Filter broke... troubleshooting by mom.

    I think the heater in that tank might be broken, too. But in the summer the heaters barely need to run if at all, so it's hard to tell. All of the tanks are the same temp. unless I'm running it up for some reason.
  15. mimiheart

    Filter broke... troubleshooting by mom.

    My 20 gallon is kept in my daughter's room. It was originally hers. It's still kinda hers... she feeds them and helps with water changes. But maintenance and all that is my duty. Well, I went in today and noticed the HOB is dead. The waterfall part of it is bone dry. So... I keep a spare sponge...
  16. mimiheart

    Help with dying Pleco.

    Is there driftwood in the tank? Definitely get the nitrate down. Do more frequent water changes until it's at a better level.
  17. mimiheart

    The eclipse looked like it set my tank on fire!

    This is my catch-all tank. I've got mollies, platies, swordtails, cories, otos, and a raphael cat in there. (He's probably in the moss pipes, which he's quickly outgrowing.) That's a sponge filter, I got it online at aquarium co-op. They also have intake sponges which I've put on my HOBs...
  18. mimiheart

    water conditioners/ammonia levels

    From their site: Detoxifies ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate
  19. mimiheart

    Shell rot?

    Broken attachments. I would start with making sure he has cuttlebone. Zucchini and broccoli are higher-calcium veggies that he would probably like as well, and that's what he needs to help his shell. Otherwise, it's been years since I took care of a turtle so I will let someone else help out.
  20. mimiheart

    Bloated & Finrot?

    If you can get it, try frozen daphnia before cooked pea for bettas. They're carnivores and will go for it before pea and it's better for them. This is, of course, after a fast. And yes, that water needs changing. Poor things.
  21. mimiheart

    Male or female?

    They look to be both male. (I can't tell for sure on the silver one, at least not with that picture, but I've never seen a female with a sailfin like that.)
  22. mimiheart

    Can anyone help me determine what this is on my betta fish? Fin rot?

    What size tank and what are the water parameters? Bettas can easily rip/tear their fins and tails, and they usually grow back without much fuss as long as the water is clean. Their colors will also change and get brighter or duller depending on the water conditions and stress and even age. The...
  23. mimiheart

    Just started my first aquarium 29g

    I call those guys eyes with tails. They're good at hiding.
  24. mimiheart

    Betta not eating & more

    Look in the getting started forum for fish-in cycling instructions. If you know anyone with an established tank, you can jump start it. Also, he's getting used to a BIG tank compared to a tiny cup. Let him get used to his new surroundings. He'll be okay without eating for a few days. (Offer it...
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