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  1. A

    Betta is sick and I dont know what to it dropsy?

    I noticed the other day that my betta,eggplant, was pineconing. Hes swimming mostly fine although his tail is missing as he had really bad fin rot and hes staying at the top of his tank. Hes not bloated as far as I can tell. He also isnt eating. Should i prepare for the worst or is there hope...
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    Sick Betta swimming more - does this men he's getting better?

    My Betta has had clamped fins for about a week and he hasn't been moving. After changing his water this morning, I'm now noticing he's swimming more, albiet slowly. His fins are opening up a bit, too. Does this mean he's getting better? Thanks!
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    Betta Chasing his Tail

    Hello, Im kind of confused and I don't know if i should be worried. My Mustard Gas Betta, Eggplant, just started chasing his tail and flaring at it. He bit his tail once and hasn't since (He started to flare at it after he bit himself). He'll stop and the start back up again. I don't know if i...
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