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The friendliest place on the web for anyone with an interest in aquariums or fish keeping!
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  1. zacusmaximus

    Hello from Atlanta... few questions!

    Welcome to AA!
  2. zacusmaximus

    Hey Everyone

    Welcome to AA! Fishkeeping is a very rewarding hobby! What kind of tank are you setting up?
  3. zacusmaximus

    Zac's back

    Hey AA, I'm finally back. I've barely finished moving back in, and I have already started filling and setting up tanks and gear. I really missed my aquaria habit and, of course, AA! While I get back in the thick of it I'll be poking around looking for ideas and advice. I couldn't be more...
  4. zacusmaximus

    Tropic Sunset (Hygro), Dwarf Sag, Bacopa - Free + S/H

    I'll assume this batch of trimmings is spoken for. Can I put my name on the list for the next pruning session? I'm just up the road a bit, in Acworth!
  5. zacusmaximus

    Bees and Water Lettuce

    Possibly the fuzz itself. Bees not only collect nectar and pollen buy also plant fiber for formulating specific types of waxy building materials for hive construction.
  6. zacusmaximus

    Tank water pH is so low, i think i need to start over..HELP

    Practically no inverts can deal with pH this low, nor can very many fish species, for that matter. Discus, uaru, and perch can survive 5.0, but not even they will thrive in it. No other common species I know of live in naturally acid water lower than that. In nature, at the 5.0 and lower...
  7. zacusmaximus

    Tank water pH is so low, i think i need to start over..HELP

    Maybe try a chemical test just to be sure?
  8. zacusmaximus

    Quarantining fish from the beach...questions...

    It is very possible, if not likely, that it is illegal to do what you're suggesting.
  9. zacusmaximus

    Whats with

    The best way to improve participation is to participate yourself. Post some cool info or ideas, pictures, questions, etc. Anyhow, welcome Saltybob!
  10. zacusmaximus

    How to filter a double pond? (couple thousand gallons)

    What kind of filtration is currently being used? Any idea on water parameters? Nitrogen (in all our favorite flavors) and phosphates are the big players in the pond world, but aren't always solely to blame. Depending on your budget, you can go the barley straw route (cheapest) or the UV route...
  11. zacusmaximus

    My First DIY Cave

    Looks great! As for finishing the interior, a friend of mine has made a habit of using epoxy-bound materials on ceramic, pvc, clay, etc to make some interesting tubes, caves, and other decor. He coats the areas he wants to treat with an epoxy and then uses anything from sand to small crushed...
  12. zacusmaximus

    odor from tank

    If your parameters are all in order and there is still a smell, I'd do an especially thorough cleaning job with all the usual maintenance tasks and finish off with a sizable PWC. Then I'd run carbon for a while and see if the odor persists.
  13. zacusmaximus

    Celestial Pearl Danio Fry

  14. zacusmaximus

    Snail water buffer

    I have a ton of Tom Barr's GH booster mix, just never use it. I think I'll start with it and see how it goes. I want some shrimp/snail factories like I see other AA members posting about! :-D
  15. zacusmaximus

    Snail water buffer

    I'm curious what you all use or would use to supply more calcium in snail tanks. My water is very soft and I'm fairly certain it is contributing to the deterioration of my snails' shells over time. Not a real problem, as of yet, but I'd like to begin breeding snails for some friends (pond...
  16. zacusmaximus

    New 10 gallon tank

    Is that PFS? It looks really fine and really pure. I want some!
  17. zacusmaximus

    Shrimp/Fry-safe powerhead?

    If its not too big an eyesore, you could use a regular sponge filter and fit the powerhead to the tube. I use several in some big grow out tanks and they work wonderfully. I rinse them out once or twice a week. What size tank are you trying to outfit? What kind of shrimp and fry?
  18. zacusmaximus


    I love mollies! They're like giant guppies! We've been working on breeding a strain of supposed molly/swordtail hybrids that are black with gold hints. If I can ever get my pro photographer friend over to the fish room to snap some, I'll post some pics.
  19. zacusmaximus

    super glue

    Yes, it appears that most super glues (cyanoacrylate) are water-stable and aquarium safe. I would only use regular super glue, none of the specialty types like rubberized CA, etc. The few times I've used it, I let the glue cure for at least 24 hours just for my own personal assurance that any...
  20. zacusmaximus

    amano shrimp set up house in filter..

    If they're true Amano shrimp (caridina japonica) they'll be perfectly fine in cold water tanks. In fact, amano shrimp are extremely flexible, capable of living in temperatures ranging from ~45F to ~83F, pH from 6 to 8, and in hard or soft water. There are a good number of freshwater shrimp...
  21. zacusmaximus

    amano shrimp set up house in filter..

    Maybe they're after the goodies stuck to the filter pad?
  22. zacusmaximus

    Post-spawning angel aggression

    An angel pair that has been spawning regularly in a lightly stocked 55g community tank at my office for the better part of a year recently spawned on their favorite RENA Filstar XP3 intake tube again. They exhibited very typical spawning behavior initially, chasing everyone away from their...
  23. zacusmaximus

    tank in bedroom too noisy?

    I personally like the sound of my aquariums but you can certainly take steps to minimize the amount of noise your aquarium will make. HOB filters, generally, make more noise than canister filters. Water level will impact the amount of noise either type of filter makes. Air pumps are really...
  24. zacusmaximus

    Missing Odessa Barbs

    Do you have cats?
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