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  1. R

    Looking for stocking advice for my 40 breeder tank.

    I have a 40 gallon breeder tank. Thinking about surface area as well as volume and the fact that a 40 breeder is actually about 47 gallons of water. I currently have a Marbled Sailfin Pleco in the tank. I am wondering if I can add Geophagus Sveni Cichlid and a Chocolate (Emerald) Cichlid. So...
  2. R

    75 gallon help

    Hello, I am in the process of saving for a 75 gallon tank. This is my first larger tank ( my current tanks are 37 and 10 gallon tanks). I want to do an mbuna cichlid tank. So far my list is as follows: 75 gallon (48X18x20) Aquarium stand might build it so I can stain and seal it to match the...
  3. R

    Help with compatibility/ rearrangement ideas

    Hello, I have a 37 gallon tank. I also have a 10 gallon tank. My 10 gallon currently is housing my aggressive dwarf gourami. My 37 has my 4 amano shrimp and 9 cardinal tetras. I was wondering about a couple of things. 1) can you put 2 red jewel cichlids and 2 yellow labs in a 37 gallon. 2)...
  4. R

    help with algae identification

    I have attached pictures of the algae I am trying to deal with. It only seems to attach/grow on the glass, fake plants, and my two fake rock structures. Based on preliminary research I believe I may be dealing with Blue Green Algae. It appears green with some brown on the top of the plants...
  5. R

    Dwarf Gouramis not acting normally, lethargic.

    Hello, so some background. I am relatively new to fish keeping my tank has only been set up since February. I let it run for a couple weeks with no fish. I then added 2 dwarf Gouramis and an Emerald Corey. Unfortunately the cory died a few weeks ago. He had gotten stuck in the intake on my...
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