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  1. W

    My Anubias have Brown Spotting on Them

    Hello, so I've had these plants in this tank for a couple months now and I've recently just noticed that there are some browning spots on them that won't go away. I dose them with the recommended amount of Excel, Iron, Potassium supplements and there is decent medium strength LED lighting. I...
  2. W

    Snail infestation

    Hello, I have a planted tank roughly 6.5 gallons and its full of snails! This all started when I unknowingly put one snail in there thinking it would be cool, no it was not cool because now I have over 50 of them taking over my tank. Luckily I have enough plants and bacteria to keep the ammonia...
  3. W

    Bloated Betta

    Hello, so I have a crowntail that I’ve had for a couple weeks now and the last couple days I’ve noticed that his belly has become a little distended and bloated. I’ve been feeding him 2 servings (around 8 pellets per serving) a day and occasionally a couple blood worms as a treat. He’s still...
  4. W

    Best way to control surface scum?

    So I have a 6.5 gallon planted tank with a Betta, 15 shrimp, and an infestation of assorted snails from a bad batch of Giant Duckweed that I had failed to clean off before introducing into my system. For the longest time I have noticed that I get an accumulation of unsightly surface oils that...
  5. W

    Why do people put air pump in their sponge filter?

    I've been noticing more and more that people put their air pump tubing into their sponge filter instead of putting their filtration tubing around it. I understand that the bubbles exiting the filter allows for water flow through the sponge but wouldn't it be better and more efficient to just use...
  6. W

    Lighting planted tank in intervals

    Hello, I am new to this community! So recently I setup my first planted aquarium (6.5 Gallon) with some dwarf Hairgrass, cardinal plants, and and some needle leaf Java Ferns. I plan on adding more in the near future but this is what I have so far. I've had this set up for about a month now and...
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