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The friendliest place on the web for anyone with an interest in aquariums or fish keeping!
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  1. StinkyLoaf

    StinkyLoaf's aquariums

    Hello everyone! Today I'm going to show you what I'm up to in the hobby. First up is my 33 gallon bowfront. In the attached images, the tank light is on only for the purpose of photography. In any other case, I allow the sun to light the tank up. This causes spot algae, but I encourage to treat...
  2. StinkyLoaf


    Newcomer here. I’ve been keeping fish for the past five years almost, but really got into it this year. I’m quite fascinated in the peaceful Central/South American cichlids (such as rainbows and keyholes to name a couple), not so much interested in African cichlids (particularly Rift Lakers). I...
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