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  1. C

    Sexing problems

    The store said the GBR is a male and the EBR is a female. Reddit is pretty sure the EBR is a female (and so am I) but now i’m questioning if my GBR is also a female. Im attaching some videos on their behavior and the last one is the EBR sleeping and she looks pretty round and gravid in it...
  2. C

    Kuhli loach had seizures and died

    I just purchased 8 kuhlis >48 hours ago and all of them are normal except one. He was laying on his side when I got home and then he had a seizure and stopped moving. he was still breathing after the seizure and then he had another one and passed away. Normal parameters (0 ammonia, 0 nitrite...
  3. C

    Please help

    My last kuhli has passed away and it was FILLED with eggs. I managed to get all the eggs out of her and into a jar of water. Would I be able to hatch these or do they need a male to fertilize them. If I can hatch them, please explain
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    Fin rot or attack?

    I moved my kuhli into my fry tank a few days ago (dont mind the ugly gravel) after the other two died in the main tank from ich meds. Today I noticed that his tail was mangled and it looks like it’s dorsal fin is gone. While i was moving this guy into the fry tank, I noticed it had a red dot on...
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    Male or Female?

    Reddit said my ram is female, but now it’s been a week and I’m questioning if she’s a he. She chases the other male around a lot
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    Dying kuhli loach??

    One of my kuhlis died the other day because I was treating my tank for ich (I added half doses) and now my remaining two are laying out in the open and breathing rapidly. Ive done two water changes to try to get rid of the salts and meds, but they’re still acting the same. One of them looks...
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    Outdoor pond

    We just purchased a 40 gallon outdoor pond thingy from home depot. We live in houston tx and we plan on putting it in the shade in our atrium. There would be 4 walls around it but the sun would periodically shine into it. Could I use just a normal sponge filter in it? Is there anything different...
  8. C

    Ram breeding

    I have a GBR(m) and a EBR (f) that are paired with each other. They live in a 29g with 5 corys, some kuhlis, and 4 platys that I’m planning on moving out. They chose a rock to stay around and have been pecking at it for a while as if they’re gonna spawn..But I haven’t seen any sign of eggs in...
  9. C

    Angel tank

    I have two angelfish currently living in a 30 gallon by themselves. They’ve been breeding for about 6 months now and USED to live with mollies and kuhlis until they started chasing them off. There’s another group of angels (3) in a 20 gallon that I’m about to rescue… the thing is I need to put...
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