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  1. Plants


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  3. Members FW Tanks

    Members FW Tanks

    Full tank pics here
  4. P

    This web site is not so clean - spam? spyware? virus?

    When I logged in just now, I got warned of a virus.
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    Question on Jungle vals

    I don't think you would be successful in trying to "split" the root. Once they start putting out runners you will have a hard enough time keeping them under control. When trimming them, it is better to cut them off as short as possible because I have found that the whole leave will die off anyway.
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    Looking for help and advice on a custom tank project

    If you have the filter intake in one tank and the return in another, you will get plenty of flow through tunnel. By adjusting the returns you should be able to eliminate any dead spots.
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    Eheim Classic Question - Is the Carbon Filter Beneficial?

    I find those carbon pads to be pretty useless. If you want to use carbon you are better off to buy quality bulk stuff and put it in a media bag.
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    Looking for poseidon/neptune statue!

    How about this one? Neptune arising.
  9. P

    CO2 systems

    I stand corrected. Forgot about the "mechanical" part. :lol:
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    Is it wrong to raise livebearers as feeders?

    The beautiful balance of nature is just everything running around eating each other. I have no problem at all with feeding them to my fish. I don't think you can get a better food. It is what they eat in the wild.
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    CO2 systems

    Reactor is what makes the C02. Diffuser is what mixes C02 with the water. Just to clarify them for them. That is what I do. I run the line from the bubble counter into the intake of my canister. The only thing you have to watch is that sometimes they can get a bubble of C02 or air in them. Just...
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    Hi From Australia!!!

    MTS = Multiple Tank Syndrome...You cannot have just one tank...Seems to work that
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    Gravel vs. Sand

    Good luck and may the force be with you ..... :D
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    Eheim External filter slow

    All I know is that I get great circulation. Most people like to put intake and return at opposite ends but I feel this is not as good. I put the spray bar just under the surface at one end and the water flows across the top, down the other side and then through the tank to my intake which is in...
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    new fishtank setup

    I am a carpenter/contractor/cabinetmaker myself and the stand alone is definitely worth the money. The teak alone is probably worth at least $120.00 Cdn. and I know I wouldn't build you one for $130.00 labor. Re-sealing a tank is not difficult, just time consuming. Canister filters, if properly...
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    Tanks overgrown with hair algae....

    More information is needed to help you. Water parameters, kH, gH, pH, nitrate, nitrite, phosphate would all be helpful. Is the tank planted? Species of fish. Type of filtration. All of these will help us get a better understanding of what is causing it. Without knowing what is causing the...
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    Eheim External filter slow

    Doesn't come with a spraybar? I use a Eheim 2217 classic on my 75gal tank with a spraybar on one end just under the surface and I get great circulation.
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    Silicone tube poison?

    If it is 100% silicone without mildew and mold inhibitors in it, (ie: tub & tile silicone) it will be fine.
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    Number of SAE for 70 gal?

    In my 75gal planted tank I originally had 4 SAEs which was fine to begin with. About a 1-1/2yrs later they where too big (6") and kept making a mess of my tank. I just took 3 out and 1 is left for now only because these guys are almost imposible to catch without ripping out the plants. As they...
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    LFS on pricing...

    I am not saying I pay their prices either, was just stating fact. Maybe if the independents got together and did bulk buying they could stay in business longer, but I guess that would be sleeping with the enemy. I also buy where I get things the cheapest.
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    Eheim Media Advice

    Forgot the plastic spacers..thanx squawkbert. I only use the ceramic rings because they came with the filter. They are expensive to buy so since you can pretty much do what you want in canister squawkberts way works just as good and is a lot cheaper.
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    LFS on pricing...

    Either would I pay double. I put my money where it is best used. Fish, beer, women etc. I was just making a point that it is too bad that they can't compete and in the long run we as fish keepers will probably lose out in the long run.
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    New Face, New Tank, Many Many New questions.....

    I know most people want crystal clear water but if you are going for an amazonian biotope why not leave some tannins in the water? It is much more like thier natural habitat. I myself kinda like the golden tinge in the water but that is just my taste.
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    Eheim Media Advice

    I don't know about the Ecco 2233 but I use a 2217 on my 75 gal. planted tank. They are nice filters and very quiet. They do not come with media baskets. The way I set mine up is (Bottom - Top) sponges(2), Ceramic tubes, sponge (1), sintered glass in media bag, Fiter floss (2). You will find if...
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    LFS on pricing...

    This is the problem with private LFS. They cannot compete with online pricing. They have much higher rent for less stock than online companies that can fill a cheap rent warehouse with thousands of the same items bought at volume discounts. But if we do not spend our money there one day there...
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