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  1. Bottom feeders (plecos/cats/loaches)

    Bottom feeders (plecos/cats/loaches)

  2. Cichlids


  3. Members SW Tanks

    Members SW Tanks

    Full tank pics here
  4. Multiple Species

    Multiple Species

    If your unsure, can't find a catagory, or there is more than one species in the pic...put it here.
  5. Clownfish and Damsels

    Clownfish and Damsels

  6. Misc


  7. B

    breeding plecos?

    I have three plecos in my tank and they do just fine...although I cant get them to breed :(
  8. B

    parrot cichlid eggs

    whats the question?
  9. B

    Egg Fungus(how to remove?)

    They will need to be removed, they will start to grow mold and what not which will cause the others to die off can just get a turkey baster to remove them. I am having the same issuse right now, only my take tank is a good 4 feet deep and I have two foot long midas who hurt and make...
  10. B

    Fry/Egg help

    oh ok... didnt know there was one
  11. B

    Fry/Egg help

    My Midas laid eggs again about three nights ago, and everything started out great and then I noticed about three white eggs and over the past few nights the number grew to about ten. I know you are told to pick the white eggs off but I really cant... the tank is almost as deep as I am tall and...
  12. B

    Lowering Nitrate?

    yeah... we are going to get the light kit next weekend, he/she seems fine but I know it will be happy to be in the larger tank.
  13. B

    Lowering Nitrate?

    I know he was given to me and thats the best place for him as of now. the one twenty will be ready very soon. thanks for all the help.
  14. B

    Lowering Nitrate?

    yes and no we have... -Black false clown fish ( 3") -Pepperment Shrimp(1) -Hermit Crabs (2) -Yellow Tang (4") -Scooter Blenny (3") -Collector Crab -Sand Star -Red Footed Snail And a very Special Crab :) * This is a temp. tank until our 120 is ready* I feed morning and night (as mush as they...
  15. B

    Lowering Nitrate?

    Hey, My Nitrate it kinda high.... whats the best way to lower it? I was thinking a water change.... but if theres something I can go get from a LFS to do the job I would like to do that. ( I love shoping :D ) But I also what to do whats better for the tank.... everything in it is fine, no...
  16. B

    Sexing Help Please

    Hello, Awhile back my two midas mated, for the longest time I thought Pumpkin (larger one) was a male and then one day I did some research online which made me think pumpkin was a female. Will one some please take a look at my video of them and help me find out whos what.
  17. B

    What is this?

    cool thanks
  18. B

    What is this?

    well hes not in the tank now
  19. B

    What is this?

    well the tank is not that new.... So it might eat some of my corals? hes very small MAYBE as big as a penny.... I have two tanks I have one reef and one open water (kinda) its on its way to being a reef as soon as I can get the light I dont want to hurt him but if he cant go into the reef tank...
  20. B

    MIDAS BABIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Thank all of you... I cant wait till they grow :)
  21. B

    What is this?

    This is the best picture I can get... I guess my carma just sucks or something
  22. B

    What is this?

    yeah I will try to get a better pic.. I was just watching him he moves really fast and in real life helooks like a blob of goo haha... um hes clear with spots that are blace and a little blue..... I didnt know there was a ID fourm..... but yeah let me go see if I can get a better pic. I will be...
  23. B

    Water Parameters?

    no I didnt even think about picking up a new one... but as long as its fine now I'm cool with that I wont be add anything to the tank any time soon but I will get another one before to long
  24. B

    What is this?

    I had a rock that by boyfrind and I have been cutting apart due to the fact it was over riden with fireworms... for the past thee day it has been sitting in still SW and we where seeing what was going to come out of it (all the good things have been removed and are safe) Today I put it...
  25. B

    Water Parameters?

    Ok so I got my Cal. tested at the best LFS in this ATL area and Dan said that it was sittin at 480 and he said that was good. He also said..... that you can never have to much cal. and once it reaches 600, it just leaves the tank. Good to know.
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