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The friendliest place on the web for anyone with an interest in aquariums or fish keeping!
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  1. S

    Turtle shell

    i recently ordered an alligator skull for my aquarium w/ the same idea of making a little fish home. hasn't arrived yet though.
  2. S

    Anyone used the Aquarium Laser System from Miracle Beam?

    i'd be curious to know who performed the research to determine lasers are good for fish. was it performed by a neutral party or by the manufacturer & how large was the sample size. i find it hard to accept the if lasers are so bad for human eyes, that they will not harm fish eyes (however...
  3. S

    Cost for Your FW Setup

    $700 75g custom acrylic (built for in-wall placement) $800 eheim 2028 canister, eheim 2229 wet/dry, substrate, hagen master test kit, 2x viaaqua titanium heaters, 2x eheim auto feeders, 2x aqualight 36" 96w 50/50 compact florescent lights, net, mag-float cleaner $200 RO/DI filter $? fish
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