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  1. P

    Unexplained Deaths

    Like you say, neon tetra take up hardly any room. I think our plan, going forward, once we've had some time with no deaths etc (I think the gold fish was the main problem now as all the tests have come up ok) is to get a shaul of 10 neons and maybe 3 hatchet fish. Obviously added in stages. Then...
  2. P

    Unexplained Deaths

    I think one of the problems was the gold fish. We caught one eating a guppy yesterday so we have removed them and given them away. I think that explained the majority of the tetra disappearances. Our hardness and PH are slightly high but we have been advised that that is normal for our area and...
  3. P

    Unexplained Deaths

    Hi All, this is my first post and I'm afraid I do not know all the lingo. I've recently been having a bad time with a new set up. My husband and i have an interpet AQ3 65 litre tank. We cycled it for 2 weeks and got the nitrate/nitrite levels under control before we started adding fish...
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