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  1. C

    Goby died!

    I had a Goby on my tank (it's a red sea max, 34 gallons), I have had this tank for about 2 months. My readings today: PH 8.4 AMONIA 0 NITRITE 0 NITRATE 20 (always..doesn't matter what I do) Phospate 0 Hydrometer 1.024 Temperature 80.7 So first, everyday I have to clean the tank because I...
  2. C

    Snail Egg?

    I have this "brown web" holding small air bubbles growing on top of my Liverock. I happens once I removed...but it is back again, and I notice my snail is always around. So is it egg? Should I live like that or should I remove? thanks
  3. C

    Kenya Tree shrink

    I've notice my Kenyatree shrunk and the botton part is getting a dark collor...I have my kenyatree on the botton of my tank with aragonite. Any idea what's going on? Am I going to loose my Kenyatree? Thanks
  4. C

    green hair alge growing

    I have a green hair alge growing on the botton of my's a new tank about a month old. I have aragonite in the botom, my question is..what should I do to control this Green hair alge! Thanks
  5. C

    Silver thing growing on my please!

    I have this silver thing, growing on my LR.. I don't know if is it normal, If I have to do anything about...could you guys help me out!!!! Thanks It's look like a green hair alge, but now it's turning silver color
  6. C

    Red sea max ...powerheads

    I have a Red Sea Max has 2 powerheads which I can point to any direction I wanted. But I don't know if I should point to the surface, or down... or one up one donw!!! I have a fish (2 clown fishes) and start with some corals (righ now I have zoo's only) and looks like the clown fish...
  7. C

    New reef....lots of doubts!!!

    I have a Red Sea Max (34g) ...this week the cycle was completed...and tomorrow I should do a PWC (5g) Problably sunday I'll have my first fish...and I'd like to have a fish and reef tank. I have 55 wats lights and my question... What kind of coral should I look to start? Any pretty and hard one...
  8. C

    Cycle is it done? Part II readings today October 28 PH.........8.0 - 8.2 Amonia... 0 Nitrite ... 0 Nitrate 20 So you guys call the cycle done? What will be the next step? Do I need more clean up critters? Any fish sugestion? As my goal it's a reef with you have any sugestion about reef to start...
  9. C

    Cycle is it done?

    Cycle is it done? --- More information! Ok I have my Red Sea Max running since October 12. Saltwater from the ocean, live rock, aragonite. I add a raw shrimp on October 22... My readings: 10.23...... Amonia 0.5 - 1.0 +/-........ Nitrite 0 10.26...... Amonia 1.0 .....................Nitrite...
  10. C

    Foggy water

    My tank started to cycle...I've a raw jumbo shirmp for 3 days and my readings are ph 7.8 amonia 0.5 1.0 +/- nitrite 0 nitrate 0...just beginning.... But it's look like my water's getting foggy. No light on because I'm worry about green alge. Is that kind of foggy water normal? Thanks
  11. C

    Filthy water line on the top

    Another question....this week I notice a filthy (dust????) on the top of my water line (surface). Is that normal??? The rest looks ok, clear and normal but this thin layer is been building up on top. Am I doing anything wrong? Thanks
  12. C

    Water change or just add RO water during cure process????

    I have a RedSeaMax running for almost 2 weeks... I just add (today) a Jumbo raw shirmp to start...but last week I add 1 galon of saltwater (ready) but I'm not sure if during the cure time if I should only add RO water to compensante the evaporation or if I should do 10% water change every week...
  13. C

    Saltwater beginer questions - Cycling I just started a Red Sea Max 34 galons...saltwater, live rock (20 pounds), aragonite on October 12,. Everything looks good and clean ph 8.0 amonia 0, nitrite 0...after a couple days I saw a kind of feather dust, a very small snail etc...but...
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