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  1. M

    Pleco with Cloudy Eye

    The measurements are all from the main tank. Although those measurements were made with a home-test kit. So that reading is the closest I could find on the colour chart. I change the water partially every 2 weeks. However at the last cleaning I drained more water than nomal as I was vacuuming...
  2. M

    Pleco with Cloudy Eye

    I have a pleco who I just noticed today has 1 cloudy eye. He was sitting on the bottom of the tank (not sucking) and his eye has some white goo on it. The goo has since fallen off and his eye is just cloudy now. I have moved him to a QT immediately after noticing it. I have also noticed his tail...
  3. M

    Sick Irridescent Shark

    The antibiotics I am using are Kanacyn. I was adviced to take the shark 'Brian' out of the tank and place him in a bucket of tank water and a capsule of Kanacyn. I was told to leave him in there for 2 hours a day for 5 days. So far I have done it for 3 days. I have been cleaning and changing...
  4. M

    Sick Irridescent Shark

    I have an iridescent shark which seems to have problems. It has a white patch on the top of it's head. I can't tell if this is an infection or bite mark. It looks like it is an indentation in the skin of the fish. It seemed to get better for a bit but is now prominent again. The fins of the...
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