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  1. E

    Bristle worm removal?

    Thanks guys. Hopefully the polyps do open up today. I noticed that they had a lot of new growth on them, could that have been another possible reason as to why they didn't open up completely?
  2. E

    Bristle worm removal?

    As for the high salinity dip the problem is that the rock they're in has some coral on it so couldn't that hurt the coral? Yea, I didn't really care about them until today I noticed that my Green Stars didn't open up and I noticed that a bristle worm was crawling on and around them. Do you think...
  3. E

    Bristle worm removal?

    Yea, I've seen the traps at my LFS but was wondering if they actually worked or not. I've heard the Coral Banded Shrimp will eat them too but would I have to worry about a Coral Banded Shrimp attacking any of my other inverts?
  4. E

    Bristle worm removal?

    I've noticed today that my green star polyps were a bit irritated and a little while ago I noticed a bristle worm crawling around the rock that they're on. Can someone tell me an effective way to remove them?
  5. E

    thinking of building a sump

    I've been thinking a lot recently of building a sump for my 75G with money that I've gotten from graduation. Also, what is a good design for one? I know that there are a lot out there and basic designs and that but how exactly should I go about it (Chambers, sizes, etc...) I want to be able to...
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    Quarantine time.

    Okay, thank you guys for that information!
  7. E

    Quarantine time.

    In the main right now I have two Clowns (percula or false percula's can't tell.), snowflake eel, and a strawberry gramma. The guy in QT is a Firefish.
  8. E

    Quarantine time.

    I've had a fish in my quarantine for a couple of days now and he seems to be doing fine. There are no abnormalities on him, he's eating regularly, swimming normally, everything seems to be fine. Is there any reason why I shouldn't go ahead and put him in my tank? Thanks.
  9. E

    Leaf Scorpionfish

    I was thinking about getting a leaf scorpionfish for my aquarium but I was reading and it said that more aggressive fish may try and nip at it and could get stung. Would this be a problem with my snowflake eel or would it be okay? Also would my Clowns and Strawberry Gramma be okay around him as...
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    I ordered one off of ebay for about 30 bucks and it seems to be working fine. I calibrate it before I use it every time to 1.0 using purified water and I haven't had any problems.
  11. E

    Possible Marine Ich?

    Ok, I'm not seeing any heavy sprinkles but for the next couple of days I will keep a look out. I was probably just being paranoid, I tend to do that sometimes. I'll keep you guys notified.
  12. E

    Possible Marine Ich?

    The more that I look at the fish I don't think that they have ich. None of the other fish are showing signs and I don't see any on the gramma. His fins just seem to have a naturally shiny purple tint, is that correct?
  13. E

    Possible Marine Ich?

    I know that a 20g would be better but If I do have to would a 10g suffice, that is all I have right now and don't really have the money to buy a new tank for it unfortunately.
  14. E

    Possible Marine Ich?

    My QT is set up with some live rock and argonite, is that okay or should I remove the LR and argonite and just leave it bare bottom with PVC. Also, would the two perculas, the Gramma, and the eel live in the 10g okay for the time while they go through treatment if there is ich.
  15. E

    When to get first coral?

    Thanks, The button mushroom was open more earlier when I'd first put him in there but when I went to take pictures he was closed like that.
  16. E

    When to get first coral?

    Well, I got two little coral frags today, a Red mushroom and a Bubble mushroom. Here are some pictures.
  17. E

    Possible Marine Ich?

    I'll be sure to check it a lot. So if it is in there I should move all of my fish to my QT, does this include my snowflake Eel?
  18. E

    Possible Marine Ich?

    The more that I look at it I don't think it is. If it was would I be seeing the dots all of the time? I can only see them sometimes and then I only see them for a second so I think that it may just be my mind playing tricks on me because he looks fine in everything else. He doesn't have any of...
  19. E

    Possible Marine Ich?

    Today my mom surprised me with a new fish but my quarantine wasn't ready so I was forced to put him in my DT. It's a Strawberry Gramma and it seems as though he has white white dots on his body, almost like ich. Is there any medication that I could use in the DT that wont hurt the coral that I...
  20. E

    When to get first coral?

    Ah okay, just wondering.
  21. E

    When to get first coral?

    Wait, where in Georgia do you live, Are you part of that? I noticed some people from Georgia were.
  22. E

    When to get first coral?

    Thanks for that info, will defiantly Look into it.
  23. E

    When to get first coral?

    Oh and unfortunatly I haven't been able to find any Aquarium clubs in my area, It's unfortunate. I could barely find the fish store that I go to!
  24. E

    When to get first coral?

    Thank you for your help, That really helped. I will probably be getting one over the weekend then as long as everything remains as it is. My two clowns and my Snowflake eel are doing great, I feel really great that they've been doing so well. Thanks again for the help.
  25. E

    When to get first coral?

    That's good news for me but not for my wallet, but nothing has been since I've started this! The tank is 75G and the light is a Coralife light with two 65W 50/50 bulbs. On the box it says the 50/50 is 50% true actinic 03 Blue and 50% 10,000K day. Don't know what that means but would this support...
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