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  1. K

    Need help-stinky tanks!!

    thanks for the help! our 10 gal is now awesome.. but maybe the food flake is a good idea, since we're not sure when fish will be in it.. our 20 is better...but cloudyish now.. fish are happy tho :) but our 30..super cloudy, smell is near gone.. maybe another water change?? let me know if u...
  2. K

    Need help-stinky tanks!!

    thanks everyone! we did a big water change with all the tanks and now we will see... just gonna run em without fish for a bit to get them stabilized hopefully! :)
  3. K

    Need help-stinky tanks!!

    we have 3 tanks at our house; a 10, tall 20, and a 30 that we just got recently. We keep everything super clean and healthy and have had succesful tanks until the other day. We set up the 30, completely clean, new filter and all. filled it with our tap which we have used before with no...
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