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  1. dkpate


    If you keep the temp at 86* for at least 10 days, the ich should go away. If you are not 100% sure it's ich, and the spots get bigger with the warmer water, you might be dealing with fungus instead.
  2. dkpate

    Newbie looking for help -- sick tiger barb, new tank

    After 8 weeks, I would say your tank is cycled. Losing fish is not going to make it start over, or mess up your readings. The only thing that would, is adding a bunch of fish at once. :) As for the sick fish, he is swimming funny? Does it look like he is trying to stay straight but can't? If...
  3. dkpate

    Injured Dwarf Gourami

    I had a DG that injured himself, and I used Pimafix/Melafix to heal him back up, worked great. Since 2 male gouramis should not be together, you will probably have to get a divider and keep them separated.
  4. dkpate

    Do my fish have ich??

    Ich is a parasite, and it can show up in one spot one day, and not be there the next day. Are these new fish? Have you added any new fish? Has your tank gone through the nitrogen cycle? What did you raise the temp to? How long has your tank been set up? What is your water changing schedule?
  5. dkpate

    What is this? (Getting aggravated)

    Sounds like you might need to treat you whole tank, not just one fish at a time. And depending on which treatment you use, it might kill your whole nitrogen cycle.
  6. dkpate

    Cloudy with A Chance of Disaster

    Do you have fish in the tank yet? What kind of substrate? That might be a little too much filtration for a 10g, and also, you are going to be limited on what fish you can get for that tank. Also, you should read up on the nitrogen cycle, if you don't know about it already. :)
  7. dkpate

    Betta lost 90% of color

    Sometimes bettas can just change colors too. You can look it up, it's kind of neat. Don't give up hope yet, just keep his water clean, and see if that helps. Also, make sure his water is at least 80*F.
  8. dkpate

    Re - occuring Fin rot? (Getting Angry Here)

    His fins don't look terrible, the second fish. The first one, that's a different story. As long as his fins don't rot all the way to his body, he should be able to grow them back. BUT, to me, it looks more like bites, since the edges are so severe.
  9. dkpate

    Re - occuring Fin rot? (Getting Angry Here)

    My bettas rays grew out first. He does look pretty bad. :( Are you sure he's not biting his? They do have Stress-Zyme with aloe, and you might want to try some of that.
  10. dkpate

    Re - occuring Fin rot? (Getting Angry Here)

    I learned about the salt/kidney thing from a lady who has been breeding bettas for 30+ years. It sounds like the salt is working for one, but not the other. When my bettas were regrowing their fins, it was clear, not white.
  11. dkpate

    July 2011 Off-Topic Photo Of the Month Contest Submissions

    Coeur d' Alene, Idaho. Taken with my cell phone, so it's a little grainy.
  12. dkpate

    Re - occuring Fin rot? (Getting Angry Here)

    Mine was the same, hanging in plastic packaging.
  13. dkpate

    Re - occuring Fin rot? (Getting Angry Here)

    Do not use salt for more than 10 days with bettas if you go that route. Bettas kidneys can start to shut down after that amount of time. Since you have been dealing with this since November, and you have tried meds and clean water, the last option is the anti-parasitic meds IMO. They are not...
  14. dkpate

    Re - occuring Fin rot? (Getting Angry Here)

    No problem! I remember the directions from when I used them. :) I don't think the aquarium salt will do much at this point, except stress them out even more. I would wait for the food. Did you ask PetSmart to order some in for you? I have used, and the stuff...
  15. dkpate

    Specs on inside of tank while treating ICH?

    The strain of ich that can live in temps above 86* is VERY rare. The high temps don't actually kill the ich, it keeps them from reproducing. If the platy still has spots on it after 10 days, you might have something else besides ich, possibly a secondary fungal infection from the "ich...
  16. dkpate

    Re - occuring Fin rot? (Getting Angry Here)

    With the anti-parasitic food, you feed ONLY that, no regular food, for a month. Bettas can go up to a month without ANY food, so only feeding them 3 times a week will be fine. I got my Jungle stuff at PetSmart. Make sure you soak the pellets first, they get pretty big, and then break them in...
  17. dkpate

    Re - occuring Fin rot? (Getting Angry Here)

    No, it won't hurt them. I said a 1/2 pellet because after you soak them they are pretty big. ;) I think it would be a good idea to try, since nothing else seems to be working. Here is more info on the meds...
  18. dkpate

    Re - occuring Fin rot? (Getting Angry Here)

    Clinical signs of parasitic disease in fish can be vague. A sick fish may be seen swimming along, it may swim more slowly, it may swim on its side, the gills may move more rapidly, the fins may be clamped or be droopy, and it may be losing weight. The fish may have white spots on the skin or...
  19. dkpate

    Re - occuring Fin rot? (Getting Angry Here)

    Here is a giant article. In about the 6th paragrah it gives some symptoms. Freshwater Fish Parasites
  20. dkpate

    Betta has a spot

    Ok, well good luck and keep me posted!
  21. dkpate

    Re - occuring Fin rot? (Getting Angry Here)

    Is it possible they have internal parasites?
  22. dkpate

    Betta has a spot

    Well, that could be a parasite, and you would need to treat. Have you looked online for pics of fish parasites and seen if that is something he has?
  23. dkpate

    Betta has a spot

    Ok whew, I guess I should pay more attention to the pic! If you can't change the water more often, you might want to start changing more, like 50%. I am pretty sure you aren't overcrowded, your betta has a ton of room to swim around, and that makes me so happy! Is the spot flat or fuzzy?
  24. dkpate

    Specs on inside of tank while treating ICH?

    Is it air bubbles? Why do you have it all the way up to 90*? 86* is high enough to treat ich. ;)
  25. dkpate

    Strang Lump on Tail Fin

    It might just be some sort of ulcer, and I am not too sure how to treat. Sorry I couldn't be more help, hopefully someone else comes along who knows more! :(
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