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  1. F


    my Jewels are on about there 5th or 6th try with fry but 2 weeks after they all die there are more eggs
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    little advice

    are cleaning magnets any good????
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    need help finding new tank mate

    Ok I have a 6 in. common goldfish and a 3.5 fancy goldfish in a 30 gal long tank what would be a good alge eating fish to put in with them.
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    algae issues

    hey do u thank he/she is why all the snails i put in there keep dieing
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    algae issues

    ohhh it's a common he started life as a .10 cent feeder
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    algae issues

    i don't know what kind of gold fish but he/she is orange with white at the tip of the tallfine about 4.5 in and 5 years old
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    jewels and live food??

    ok so i read somewhere the jewels need live food for a healthy diet is this true and what kind of live food would i even feed them?:confused:
  8. F

    upgrading python???

    thanx for the help guys :)
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    algae issues

    could i use some kind of small shimp or do u thank the gold fish would eat them???
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    algae issues

    ok lets see no it is not in direct sunlight the light is off all day and on for a night light. so its on for 8 or 9 hours. feeding no they get feed once a day and i give her the amount to put in. and they have all of it ate in like 3 min. the water is clear some algae on glass and no hair some...
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    upgrading python???

    ok i have little DIY skills but how hard would it be to use dishwasher tubing. to make a fitting for my sink?? so i don't have to carry buckets any more
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    algae issues

    ok i am having algae issues in my kids 30 gal long she has 1 long goldfish with white on the tipd of the tallfine and a black bug eyed one and the algae grows so fast it can be everywhere is days and it turns black what can i do for help???
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    Moving Advice?

    could fish make a 5 hour trip in a bucket???
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    do african cichlids need auarium salt?

    i dont know the hardness of my water but PH is 8 flat
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    do african cichlids need auarium salt?

    ok aquarium salt is for treating Ick?!?!?!? my LFS sold me it saying it will make the colors of my fish pop and sold my some blue stuff for my ick they had
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    Adding rocks to Cichlid tank

    ??? u can make your one rocks???
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    Adding rocks to Cichlid tank

    i find all my rocks myself to all i have ever done is boil them for 5 min. and from what i know (not alot) u can put any rock in becouse it might bring your ph up but cichlids like it higher
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    my Jewels laid eggs

  19. F

    my Jewels laid eggs

    :) ok thanx
  20. F

    my Jewels laid eggs

    i thank they ate them. the or there real sneaky becouse they are still guarding the same place
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    my Jewels laid eggs

    its ok no one rush to help. they ate all the eggs :(
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    my Jewels laid eggs

    ok so long story short my jewels laid eggs so how long do it take for them to hatch?
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    Ahhh bugs

    they and to small for me to get a picture of with anything i have
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    Ahhh bugs

    do i need to worry about them???
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    Ahhh bugs

    i only 1 little jewel but he dosn't seen to know that they are there
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