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  1. B

    Molly problems

    Mollies I didn't realize you had to test for nitrates, so bought a test at the week-end and realized they were way too high, am now in the process of doing frequent water changes to reduce them. Hopefully this will make my mollies a bit happier. Thanks for advice.:)
  2. B

    Molly problems

    They aren't test strips, its liquid you add to the tank water and check the colour. I am going to take your advice and get a nitrate test kit, and clean the tank more frequently. Will let you know how they get on.
  3. B

    Molly problems

    Hi, thanks for replying, I made a mistake with the readings, the reading is for Nitrite, not nitrate, I do not have a test for that. I have treated them with Waterlife Myxazin, and it seems to work but ideally I would like to stop them getting it in the first place. I dont think its due to...
  4. B

    Molly problems

    Hi to everybody on the forums. I have two tanks as follows: 1 25 litre, temp 77 deg, ph 7.5, 3 deg dkh, ammonia 0, nitrates 0.1. This tank has a male and female white molly, 2 galaxy rasboras and around 12 molly babies. 1 55 litre, temp 77 deg, ph 7.0, 3 deg dkh, nitrates 0.1, ammonia 0...
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