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  1. F

    Is my goldfish normal?

    Indeed! I was pretty surprised myself. I'm on the other side of the pond in London. I'm liking the white clouds and danios quite a bit too, very fast swimmers, starting to get the itch for tropical now :) Haha... I hope I don't go out and buy a second tank soon!!
  2. F

    Is my goldfish normal?

    Thanks for the very detailed explanation JSoong. After reading this, I got rather panicked and called around a few fish stores and one said they would take the excess of the fish, so I took eight of them to the store and am now left with 5 fancy goldfish and two small common ones (I will...
  3. F

    Is my goldfish normal?

    Thanks for the suggestions and the comments :-) This is a super helpful community here. I'm very glad I joined! I will try out the peas, hopefully he feels better soon! Will let you guys know!
  4. F

    Is my goldfish normal?

    Hi! Thanks for the reply :) This is a 300L tank (70 US gallons I think). The water parameters are fine at 0 for both ammonia and nitrites, this was an established tank I just moved and didn't change filters etc. The fish was already exhibiting this behaviour for about 2 weeks before the tank...
  5. F

    Is my goldfish normal?

    Hi all, Complete aquarium newbie here. I just purchased a tank with someone and it already had lots of goldfish in it. However, there is one which behaves rather strangely. It is always sitting on the bottom of the tank, occasionally just sprinting to the top catching a breath of air so to...
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