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  1. capj64

    Red bulb/pulp/balloon...Need help

    I've run into something that I can't ID. I've looked until my eyes are crossed. It's in a place that I won't be able to get a good photo so hopefully I can explain it well enough that someone here and ID for me. It's red. About the size of a pea. It looks like someone blew up a balloon and...
  2. capj64

    AquaFX RO/DI System

    Ahh, finally a chance to get back in here...and what am I gonna do but BRAG :rolleyes: Broke down and ordered a RO/DI system from Big Al's, must say I kinda like it. Way easy to use. From the pictures I'd see, I was sure I'd have to call for help but it was great hooking up. This is the one...
  3. capj64

    Beginner, Intermediate and Expert...

    I've had my tank set up since March of this year. I study my tank every day and I'm not without problems (algae, getting better since I'm feeding every other day) but things are going well. I also read forums/google/books everyday. In my 29g I have: 1 Ocellaris Clownfish 5 Green/Blue Chromis...
  4. capj64

    Deformed Starfish...Asternia ??

    I always try to find out what things are before posting and even though I think I found the answer to this one (dgpolit's thread) I'm still posting just to make sure I'm correct. At first I always saw it on the back glass, very tiny. I thought that it was probably a stomatella snail since I...
  5. capj64

    Algae, Nitrites, Nitrates - arrggghh

    Since getting my tank in March, I've been on this forum daily reading for hours at a time, trying to learn. I also google "everything" in hopes that someday I'll have a tank with beautiful fish and corals like some of the tanks I've seen here. Saying this...I know that I'm doing...
  6. capj64

    Just unpacked my order from, whew

    I ordered the 40g Quick Crew and separated it between the 29g and the 10g. Except for the Nassarius, they all went into my 10g because my 29g has crushed coral. 40 Dwarf Ceriths, 15 Nassarius, 18 Florida Ceriths, 16 Nerites are what I ordered but I think they don't count the Dwarf Ceriths cause...
  7. capj64

    Is this what you mean by splitting?

    I had it next to the shelf started to lean towards it, then the next morning it was attached to the shelf and it now moving the rock it came on around as it does what it's doing...should I do something?? Sorry about the picture quality. It was 3a.m. and I was trying to get a picture...
  8. capj64

    PVC overflow (??)

    ok, I'm learning all I can before I start my "big build" this fall/winter so I'm setting up a sump for my 29g just to see how the plumbing all works since I want to do a lot of my build as DIY. I went to ACE (local business) and bought 1/2" PVC (have no idea is this is big enough), elbows and a...
  9. capj64

    Strange sound coming from my new LR

    Bought two new chunks of LR today and I keep hearing a tap every so often. It sound like glass tapping on metal. It's just one tap and then it's a little while before I hear another. Any ideas :confused:
  10. capj64

    Obsessed - Now it's a 10g Reef

    I'm tearing down my 6g fluval edge because the lights went bad and has to be replaced. Since I have a few empty tanks, I decided that I would set up a small 10g reef for the Damselfish that was in the fluval. So last night I cleaned the 10g and added 7g RO salt water at 1.024, then 20 lbs of...
  11. capj64

    Sump Baffles - Glass vs. Acrylic

    I know that everyone uses acrylic baffles but I have connections at a window manufacturer (I worked there for 13 yrs and my husband still does) so it's very easy for me to get glass cut to size w/edges sanded for $cheap$ (free if cut from scrap). But doing this, I won't be able to cut teeth...
  12. capj64

    Powerhead for a 29g??

    I ran a search and couldn't find anything...I have my cart open on Big Al's so I hope I get some quick feedback :) I'm looking at this powerhead Koralia Evolution - 1400 - Powerheads - Powerheads at BigalsOnline I this ok for a 29g or too much? I'm not sure how to determind how much flow...
  13. capj64

    Icecap LunarLite retro

    Has anyone used these? I'd love to see a picture of them lighting a tank.
  14. capj64

    Itsy-bitsy black spined thing?

    Rearranged my rocks today so I had my red flashlight and magnifying glass looking around to see if I saw anything new tonight. I saw one of my hermit crabs releasing her babies into the water. That was way cool. Then I saw something that I even sure I was seeing :) So I took the red lens...
  15. capj64

    Feather Duster Worms - placement

    I bought two yellow dwarf feather dusters a few weeks ago. I've tried placing them in different spots but they always end up moving. So the last time they moved I thought that I would just let them go and see where they end up. They're now at the back of my tank, one of them face down. It's been...
  16. capj64

    capj64's unofficial plywood build

    I have read and researched until my eyes have given out, trying to learn how I need to run the plumbing for my build that I plan to do at the begining of the year. It seems like when you know what you are doing, you can pretty much set it up however you want to, just so the filtration process...
  17. capj64

    Zoanthids & Polyps

    What do I need to do/get/change to start adding Zoes and Polyps to my 29g FOWLR?
  18. capj64

    Refugium placed over Display Tank

    I have a 29 gallon DT and I have been told that with PWC done weekly, I don't need all the extra machanics that a larger tank would require. But I plan on having a larger, built into the wall, SW tank as soon as I feel I've got the groove of this hobby. I'm the type that has to see it and do it...
  19. capj64

    Is my turbo snail dying?

    A week in a half ago I bought 3 turbo snails to help with algae. This morning I noticed that one of them was sitting on the bottom of the tank but still attached to the wall. We were getting ready to leave for the day so I had little time to watch it. When we came home it was half way up the...
  20. capj64

    Hermit Crab vs. Feather Duster

    I just received a shipment from Blue Zoo yesterday. I purchased two dwarf feather dusters - Green and Yellow, Bispira. I was watching them earlier and suddenly one of them sucked back up into it's tube, then came back out, jerked about a bit and then sucked back in. I realized that my largest...
  21. capj64

    Purple Sea Slug??

    Anyone know anything about the purple sea slug?
  22. capj64

    Do Damselfish Camouflange?

    My Yellowtail Dasmselfish is amazing :) I noticed that when I first got it, if it got stressed it would turn a pale blue. I knew this would happen because the LFS told me it would. But it soon got used to us peeking in and watching it so the pale blue stopped after a few times. But now...
  23. capj64

    Finally made it to FL...

    Our first morning... We also saw a crab but someone had pulled it's claws off :(
  24. capj64

    I lost my female Clownfish...

    Day before yesterday I noticed that she was getting pretty pudgy behind her gills so I thought that she was pregnant. She and her mate have been cleaning and area beside the "cave" that they hang out in. Then yesterday I noticed that she was not eating and she was keeping inside the "cave". I...
  25. capj64

    Airators in SW Tanks

    How come it looks like airators are not used in SW. My husband keeps telling me to put an air hose in so that there will be bubbles coming up from behind the rocks (he's used to FW tanks). If I do this to please him will it hurt anything?
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