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  1. HeathB

    Rosy reds as pets

    About 20 minutes outside of Fort Wayne.
  2. HeathB

    Rosy reds as pets

    Loving them so far. Like I said they aren't the most beautiful fish, but they are very active, and my first fish that I know is an Indiana native. Rosy reds I found out are actually just fathead minnows. Remember seeing them crowd around by the pier at my gran's lake cottage when i was a kid...
  3. HeathB

    15 gallon first time planted

    Yeah, I did seperate them. And back then that tank had 2 t5ho bulbs, diyco2, and ferts. Every other plant went nutso, but cabomba seems to hold some kind of grudge against me. Its all good though. Every summer I have a free and abundant source of L. Repens growing in the creek by my grandma's...
  4. HeathB

    15 gallon first time planted

    Good luck with that cabomba. People told me it was pretty easy, but for the life of me I couldn't keep it alive.
  5. HeathB

    Rosy reds as pets

    I tried that, but it all seemed pretty generic fish care info, without too many people ever actually talking about actual experiences keeping them.
  6. HeathB


    Thinking, maybe some big tall plants on both sides of the rock would frame it nicely.
  7. HeathB

    Who really loves your fish???

    I like my fish, but I wouldn't marry them or anything. XD
  8. HeathB


    You might be able to spread the rocks just a wee bit more to each side and still have them stacked against each other if you think it would look better. Also, is that line in there for tying down plants? You might consider using some fishing line since its much less visible and finer, so that...
  9. HeathB

    Has anyone ever complained to a chain store about their fish care

    Ha, yeah, I love it when I'll be stocking up the fish food and ornaments sections on Tuesdays, and someone comes up and asks me a question. I'll start rattling all kinds of actual advice at them and they give me this look like I'm nuts. And then I get yelled at for taking too much time not...
  10. HeathB

    Rosy reds as pets

    No worries there. They are the only fish in this tank, since I heard they could be pretty disease ridden.
  11. HeathB

    Rosy reds as pets

    I'm trying to go for a bit more of a natural fish setting in one of my tanks, and was wondering if anybody else had ever rescued some of these minnows to keep as pets. When I was a kid I always loved watching the little minnows swimming about by the pier at my grandma's lake cottage. Since...
  12. HeathB

    No NFL season next year?

    So I might be able to catch my shows without parts being cut due to games running late? Huzzah! Honestly though, I'd rather watch soccer, but the only time it really gets any broadcast attention is during the World Cup. Still pleased as a peach that Japan did as well as they did. :) Oh, and...
  13. HeathB

    Planting advice

    The funny thing is, at my Petsmart, we also, among the fish books, sell 2 books on aquarium plants and planted aquariums. One of them is called The 101 Best Aquarium Plants, and at the end it lists about 30 or so species that stores will sell you that won't survive in aquariums...haha. Edit...
  14. HeathB

    How to clean planted tanks?

    Also, of note. If you plan on using sand or something like eco complete or flourite, you will want to just swish the vac over the spots. With gravel, you can still dig about, but be careful not to get to close to plants when you do it.
  15. HeathB

    Alternate uses for java moss

    Ha, yeah, I would if I could. I remember when I got the stuff I ordered, it was a clump about maybe half the size of my pinkie finger...It takes a bit to set in, but once it does, it can be about as prolific as algae.
  16. HeathB

    Has anyone ever complained to a chain store about their fish care

    Because by then we can sell you the huge tank you'll need! ;)
  17. HeathB

    Betta companions

    A lot rides on the betta's personality, and how big the tank is. In a bigger tank, even a rowdy betta might be ok as long as nothing really invades its territory too much, but in smaller tanks like 5g and 10g tanks, I've never had any luck. My betta would fight anything and everything that entered.
  18. HeathB

    Has anyone ever complained to a chain store about their fish care

    I'm lucky to get even 13 hours of work a week at Petsmart (stock boy). It all comes down to corporate and how they want to save money. Save money by not training employees properly, save money by making 1 employee do the job of 2 employees. Not schedule the necessary amount of employees to do...
  19. HeathB

    Alternate uses for java moss

    On a slightly amusing note, while I was cleaning today, I found one of those plastic fish baggies that I had thrown some java moss clippings into around the beginning of the summer. I had tied off the bag, and its still moist inside, but.......that small clipping I threw in there, is now a...
  20. HeathB

    Adventures in aquascaping

    Feel awful about letting things go crumby for so long in my tanks, but I'm starting to put my nose to the grindstone again. Will be doing some major scraping with a razor this week to get rid of the huge algae covering, and frequent water changes have already resumed, along with 2 hour breaks in...
  21. HeathB

    Alternate uses for java moss

    At the very least, with java moss, you'll never have to worry about running out. Once it grows out a bit you can collect some and try all sorts of experiments with it. I'd also heard Phoenix Moss was nice, but its been going on almost a year now and I've noticed absolutely zero growth from the...
  22. HeathB

    15 gallon first time planted

    As far as guppies are concerned, its like Jurrassic Park. Life finds a way. Even if you don't go out of your way to save the fry, there will always be some scrappers who manage well enough without interference.
  23. HeathB

    Joey's 10 plant/RCS build log

    For a low-tech tank, Marsilea Quadrifolia is an awesome carpeting plant.
  24. HeathB

    Wy Renegade's 20L Bog Tank

    I love the idea. The only bog plant that comes to mind for me is anubias. Its not native as far as I'm aware, but it is a tough customer when it comes to survival in emersed and submerged conditions. If you have problems with moss, there are several varieties people grow in their aquariums, some...
  25. HeathB

    Bad lfs!

    He was just messing with you. Stores in the states are really a mixed bag, even chain stores. Some have knowledgeable people that care, and some are just out to make a buck.
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