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  1. C

    Anemone - Thought it was dying (Pictures)

    I just have the florescent light bulb that came with my tank. It is a 30 gallon tank. Can you recommend the best type of lighting? The tank is actually underneath a sky light in my apartment. I have had it set up for a few months now. I will look into buying a liquid test kit. thank you...
  2. C

    Anemone - Thought it was dying (Pictures)

    Everything is fine now. The water is perfect, even took it in for testing at the pet store. I thought it might be pooping, but it did not. So maybe it was just having a bad day. The damsel making it's home in it is another mystery though.
  3. C

    Anemone - Thought it was dying (Pictures)

    Recently I bought a new Anemone. Today, it seemed to be dying. It shrank to very small and was barely moving. When it was shriveled it look like the first picture (100_5353.jpg, 100_5356.jpg). After a few hours, it came back to life (100_5369.jpg ). Just thought others might like to see the...
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