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    HELP: pH CRASH with CO2

    Thanks malkore. I actually had read the article you sent... it's indeed VERY informative. I apologize, I should have been more specific with my concerns: How much and how fast can pH drop before it becomes a problem for my fish. My concern is that my DIY CO2 pop bottle (yeast) system is...
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    HELP: pH CRASH with CO2

    I just started my 2 litre DIY Co2 system in a 30 gal. planted freshwater community tank 24 hours ago. When I started I has a KH of 6 and a pH of 7.8 24 hours later my pH has dropped to 7. Is this going to be a problem? Any help is appeciated!!!!
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    HELP: Nematodes?

    I got a PIC of the little beasties!!!!! It's not a great shot but.... Oodles (well I only have a few) of kudos donated to anyone with a definitive identification!
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    HELP: Nematodes?

    Great ideas! I will inquire on the rental idea. I would LOVE to identify these as they are completely unique as far as I have been able to research! I may have cultivated a brand new species! (grin). They really look like tiny little Broccoli Trees with really beautiful full crowns of...
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    HELP: Nematodes?

    Well Brian - Thanks for the feedback. I would love a diatom filter, but you're right that they are expensive and are a little beyong my budget at his time. Perhaps Santa will be good to me at the boxing day sales!! TankGirl - as always your ideas are excellent and also very much appreciated. I...
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    HELP: Nematodes?

    Thanks Brian. I was under the impression that planaria are worm-like and these are definately not worms - they are more of a tree shape. Closer to the hydra, but not quite....more rounded. 3 Questions: 1. If they are not planaria, do you still recommend the diatom filter? 2. How do I get them...
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    HELP: Nematodes?

    Not sure - Under a mag glass it's barely possible to see..... they look like tiny trees (or Broccoli). The pics of hydra have a few arms, these have more of a full crown. The infestation is incredible...all of over the glass...any ideas....
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    HELP: Nematodes?

    Do I have a problem? I have just noticed that there are thousands of tiny microscopic white dots all over the glass in my 30 gal. freshwater community tank - they appeared literally overnight. Under a magnifying glass they sway in the current and look like tiny snowflake shaped coral polyps...
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    New Tank Help - ICH and Cycling?

    Thanks again TankGirl! Have now boosted the temp. and my treatments with Quick Ick Cure TM seems to be working. Hope all is well and that the surgery wasn't serious. Nice to see you back!
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    New Tank Help - ICH and Cycling?

    Thanks Tank Girl for the good advice and kind words. I have an Eheim 2213 filter with a spray bar - so hopefully oxygen won't be an issue. How hot should I go and for how long?
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    New Tank Help - ICH and Cycling?

    Just started with a 30 gal. planted tank and added 4 white cloud minnows, and 3 Brillant Rasboras on day three but they came with ICH. Returned the sick Rasboras to the LFS after they had been in the tank for 24 hours and added a Dwarf Gourami, and 2 Opaline Gouramis to start the cycling. It's...
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    Tannins and Bogwood - My First Mistake?

    Thanks for the ideas but the Wife overruled the very cool 'blackwater' idea as it doesn't fit her "design" sensibilities and so unfortunately the bogwood is now gone out of the tank and downstairs soaking in some hot water. Did a 50 % water change, nothing to lose as this is day one with no...
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    Tannins and Bogwood - My First Mistake?

    Day 1 - Set up my new 30 gal. freshwater community tank last night after the wife's utimatum to get it running or lose it (in all fairness it had been sitting unassembled since last Dec!). No fish yet, just letting the tank settle for a few days... In my haste made my FIRST MISTAKE and please...
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    30 Gal. Planted: How much light is enough light?

    Well I guess anything that's low light friendly, I remember that you suggested Java Fern and others have also mentioned Crypt and Hornwort... but I guess I have some research to do! The plants are really more for the well being and protection of the fish so I guess that the type of fish will...
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    30 Gal. Planted: How much light is enough light?

    Well I guess anything that's low light friendly, I remember that you suggested Java Fern and others have also mentioned Crypt and Hornwort... but I guess I have some research to do! The plants are really more for the well being and protection of the fish so I guess that the type of fish will...
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    30 Gal. Planted: How much light is enough light?

    Well the lighting saga continues... I returned the 110 Watt CF lights and instead picked up a 36" ALL Glass double strip fluroscent light. THe LFS told me that the configuration of the 36" double stip was 30 watts x 2 giving me my needed 2 WPG. Got home plugged in the lights and noticed that...
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    Power Head In freshwater

    I too was wondering about powerheads...being a novice! Do I really need one in a beginner 30 gal. planted community tank that I plan to set up? The LFS tried to sell me one, but I decided to hold off until I researched it a little more. Filther will be a EHEIM 2213 canister, lighting I plan to...
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    30 Gal. Planted: How much light is enough light?

    Thanks again Rex! Does anyone know what the configuration/wattage is for the Perfecto 36'' Black Double Fluorescent Strip Light? Strangely nobody lists what lights you can use??? From what I've read this may be the best set-up for me. Any feedback from happy/unhappy users?
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    30 Gal. Planted: How much light is enough light?

    Thanks Rex! Yes the tank is 36 inches long. Am I correct in assuming that you are suggesting a configuration of 2 x 30 watt fluroscent bulbs in one strip? Also what bulbs do you like? Can you make a brand name suggestion of what I should look for? Thanks!
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    30 Gal. Planted: How much light is enough light?

    Not sure about the plants yet - although simple is probably best for a beginner (and hearty too!) I feel like I have enought to think about choosing equipment and fish, so any simple plant suggestions are welcomed. At this point I am worried that I have gone from too little to too much light...
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    30 Gal. Planted: How much light is enough light?

    I am a frustrated beginner who is attempting to set up my first 30 gal. freshwater community tank. I determined that I wanted a planted tank so I returned the single fluorescent 20 watt bulb in a hood that my LFS sold to me. In exchange they sold me a very expensive All Glass Aquarium 2 x 55...
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    Is it cruel?

    Will definitely aquascape the tank to compensate! Could you expand a little on what "shy" fish I should avoid? P.S. Yes I do indeed pass the time on the DVP occassionally! Thanks for the info.
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    Is it cruel?

    A beginner tank placement question for all - is it cruel for the fish to have a tank open on all sides and placed as a room divider? I've read that you need a background - and not just for scenery. The reason I ask is that the only place I have to set up my new 30 GAL. is on a small bar between...
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    Beginner Filter: Eheim 2213 Canister vs. Emperor 280

    Thanks. It sounds like the Eheim is the way to go... with the possibility of additional HOB filtration at a later date. This forum is a godsend for the novice... I appreciate your advice.
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    Beginner Filter: Eheim 2213 Canister vs. Emperor 280

    Looking for a natural tank that simulates a tropical habitat. Definately want a planted tank! I believe at this point that I am interested in more smaller schooling fish such as neon tetras and zebra danios, but have not yet investigated a good beginner fish list. The first step is really to...
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