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The friendliest place on the web for anyone with an interest in aquariums or fish keeping!
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  1. N


    Thank you ver much,is there any smaller fish that I should stay away from?
  2. N


    I know but I should be upgrading before it gets to big giving him to a pet shop is if it's not possible for me to upgrade.
  3. N


    Hes acutely only territorial over his cave other than that the cory cats have free reign over the rest of the tank
  4. N


    Ok thank you very much!
  5. N


    I found out about the shark being to big after I had gotten him so I figured when he got bigger I would give him to a pet store or upgrade the tank. Is there any fish at all that would work with what I have now?
  6. N


    Hi! I have a 26 gal bow front tank and I have one rainbow shark two spotted Cory cats and one peppered Cory. I was wondering what would be good tank mates for them? I was thinking maybe like a pictus catfish but I'm not sure how it would do with the shark and cory cats
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