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  1. underthesealover

    Where to buy corals?

    Hi, I am wondering if anyone could recommend to me any site where I can get my 1st set of corals and which ones were good for beginner like me thanks a lot!
  2. underthesealover

    Hardy fish and corals for beginner Biocube29g

    I have the coralife BC pc/led 29g. My clown fish really doing good thanks for the link.
  3. underthesealover

    Hardy fish and corals for beginner Biocube29g

    Okay so after cycling my tank for just less thank 3weeks and testing it twice and everything shows good to start, I then finally bought my 1st 2 fish which were clown fish 5days ago. At 1st they seems distant and constantly hiding under the rock but now they are playful as ever and so I am...
  4. underthesealover

    End of cycle?? Bio cube 29g

    Hi all, For some reason the last thread I posted was vanished and I dont know why? And it contained the thing of having 1ppm nitrite in my tank that I started like almost 3weeks ago and now ph is 8.0 and everything else is 0ppm. My question it does it mean my cycle is done? If so what should I...
  5. underthesealover

    Needing help starting a 29g biocube PC/LED tank

    I am planning to buy this as my testkit is this sufficient? API Saltwater Master Liquid Test Kit at PETCO Also will I have to buy separate ammonia to put in my tank after? I also planned to buy this as my circulation pump, I was going to buy the bigger model but after reading reviews in...
  6. underthesealover

    Needing help starting a 29g biocube PC/LED tank

    When I change water, can I just use the same instant ocean sea water I used now to set up my tank? I asked coz I still have almost 10g of those water left here from what I purchased. If I can use that then I will just began mixing my own after which is i know won't be too long. I also just want...
  7. underthesealover

    Needing help starting a 29g biocube PC/LED tank

    OIC. So I don't need pods or refugium right? I read and watch a video about that article of adding freshwater in your tank coz of the salt was left so I was aware of it but thanks. But also I want to know is it different procedure when I am just putting a water to replace the vaporized salt...
  8. underthesealover

    Needing help starting a 29g biocube PC/LED tank

    Sorry for being a bugger but I almost forgot, will I need a pods if I will put wrasse, goby and clownfish? If yes will I need a refugium to maintain a supply of pods for my fish??? Also is it safe if I want to increase the flow rate of my tank by buying circulation pump?
  9. underthesealover

    Needing help starting a 29g biocube PC/LED tank

    wakokok i was wrong. it didn't upload my bad.
  10. underthesealover

    Needing help starting a 29g biocube PC/LED tank

    It's weird I had to copy paste a link from photo bucket just to upload a pic while earlier I was able to attach the file i think! in my post to upload the pic of the tank model i have
  11. underthesealover

    Needing help starting a 29g biocube PC/LED tank

    Not sure if my picture is uploading. I am ignorant in this matter here (sigh)last try lol.
  12. underthesealover

    Needing help starting a 29g biocube PC/LED tank

    BTW I seen you have a bird? in your photo? Is that one of your hobby too? I asked coz I have a cockatoo myself had a african grey too but had to let one go coz of attention issue with my too
  13. underthesealover

    Needing help starting a 29g biocube PC/LED tank

    I also want to know what kind of specific kit should I get? theres a lot in there for calcium, ph, etc etc. IS there a kind of kit that does all those test at once?
  14. underthesealover

    Needing help starting a 29g biocube PC/LED tank

    Wow thanks a lot! I will definitely check out now the website you mentioned. You were right about the prices, what I don't like in reefs2go is I had to do separate research to know more information about their products. I want to have dwarf zebra lion fish and angel fish, goby, Royal Gramma...
  15. underthesealover

    Needing help starting a 29g biocube PC/LED tank

    Also I want to know if I will use distilled water will I still need to buy those testing kits to text the ph level, nitrate and other chemicals in the water. And should I buy protein skimmer and circulation pump for extra water flow for my tank or what I have is enough even I will want to add...
  16. underthesealover

    Needing help starting a 29g biocube PC/LED tank

    Hi obscurereef, I had the rock out of water but in a styrofoam and plastic from transporting it back to my place for approximately 2hrs so do you think it's still good? I also had to take it out for couple of minutes earlier to rearrange it since I didn't like how my hubby set it up lol...
  17. underthesealover

    Needing help starting a 29g biocube PC/LED tank

    Hi, I purchased set up yesterday this 29g biocube tank I bought from Petco and brought with me home four of petco 5gal real ocean water, two 20lbs of nature's ocean aragonite live reef sand, aqueon heater and a live rock package which I don't know what kind what I just know they had it set up in...
  18. underthesealover

    Needing big help to start 55gal saltwater tank

    Ok, so what will I need is a protein skimmer, like 2 over heads? heater, proper lightings of course and live rocks. probably like 70 pounds of them? what else am I forgetting?? pumps?
  19. underthesealover

    Needing big help to start 55gal saltwater tank

    Mr_X you forgot about me I think. huhuhu lol. Anyway, Please I need your gracious advice to help me through this I set up my mind to a 55 gal tank and I can go for a HOB refigium and protein skimmer combo that i have seen on email, I posted the link the other day just waiting for your answer on...
  20. underthesealover

    Needing big help to start 55gal saltwater tank

    Wow nice catch thanks! what else will I need beside lighting of course?? Mr. X help!!!
  21. underthesealover

    Needing big help to start 55gal saltwater tank

    So what should I be buying to start it running then??? overhead? sump? filter? I will really buy a nice light for it coz I really want those nice stuff on my tank to keep them alive and healthy. I saw something on ebay that I posted a link, its pretty cheap and its a combination of little...
  22. underthesealover

    Needing big help to start 55gal saltwater tank

    Ok here is what I decided, will start my 55gal aquarium since I can't return it anymore, then please send me a list again on what's all the stuff I will be needing to get it going coz even though I won't put corals right away and let the water be establish 1st but for sure there will be soft &...
  23. underthesealover

    The tank at Devon Fitness Club

    wow you have a very nice tank indeed.
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