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  1. S

    Mickey Mouse and Reg Wag

    i have had them for over a year, and the babies are now about 6 months old, there isnt much i can do when i am at school because i go to school 5 hours away and cant have my tank in my apartment, and its my mom who refuses to take care of it properly. i plan on getting a master testing kit soon...
  2. S

    Mickey Mouse and Reg Wag

    I have been using flakes, but now it wont eat at all. Its sides are sunken in, and shows no interest in anything anymore. when i go up to the tank, it just lies on the bottom of tank and just opens its mouth the breathe every once and a while
  3. S

    Mickey Mouse and Reg Wag

    it is dechlorinated water, so thats not the problem, and i did do a big water change in the main tank, and all those fish are ok, but in the isolation tank, i am changing out the water every two days for the mickey mouse wag, and that had been happening for 3 weeks now, and it just isnt getting...
  4. S

    Mickey Mouse and Reg Wag

    Another update: My Mickey mouse wag is still lifeless on the bottom, and since it has only been laying on its one side, it looks like its eye is starting to flatten out and conform to the bottom of the tank. Any suggestions?
  5. S

    Mickey Mouse and Reg Wag

    Update: My red wag who fell to what ever illness a few hours ago just died :( but my mickey mouse wag is still alive, in the same state that i had mentioned before
  6. S

    Mickey Mouse and Reg Wag

    The tank only gets cycled when i am home from college, for my parents dont have time to do it, and i cant have the tank in my apartment. It was last cyled over Christmas break, and again a few days ago. If that is the case, should i re-enter those fish into the community tank, or keep them in...
  7. S

    Mickey Mouse and Reg Wag

    Hey all! I have been searching around the internet for a long time, and I have finally decided to come to you all for some help. I have a ten gallon tank that has 6 red wags, 1 mickey mouse wag, and 1 scissor tail rasbora. (The reg wags were born in my tank, and the mother is the mickey mouse...
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