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  1. KageNoKarasu

    What /is/ all of this?

    A gravel syphon? Neat! Just need to find tubing. My gosh, thanks for pointing out some of that stuff!
  2. KageNoKarasu

    What /is/ all of this?

    So I'm more of a newb at this than I was giving myself credit for... I bought a 30g long tank with a full set up, but some of the stuff.. I have no idea what I do with it :D The bottom of the tank has a slotted, zig-zaggy plastic thing I'm figuring is an under-gravel filter Picture time! The...
  3. KageNoKarasu

    Greasy White blob just showed up today

    *nod*nod* I've considered that, but I had never seen mold look like that: individual, spherical... /things/ clumped together. Then again, mold underwater can very likely be different from stuff in my sink XD
  4. KageNoKarasu

    Greasy White blob just showed up today

    Oh, 1 Banana plant (small but established) and 4 marimo balls, which were added on monday after a week+ quarantine
  5. KageNoKarasu

    Greasy White blob just showed up today

    Nope, not eggs. 1 betta 6 Neon Tetras 1 MTS And the "blob" was hanging out at the top of the tank, even what was on the other leaves were nearish the top.
  6. KageNoKarasu

    Greasy White blob just showed up today

    The next day... So today, I found a couple more little spherical, fuzzies, so I took the plastic plant out and it's currently soaking in a salt and vinegar bath, but I'm sure there's more in the tank, just sorta'... floating around. If my house were warm enough, I've contemplated letting this...
  7. KageNoKarasu

    Greasy White blob just showed up today

    Hiya! Yep, I'm new here. I tried searching the net for my current predicament, but no luck, so I'm hoping someone might lend some insight. So I took out this plastic plant on Monday, wiped off the brown algae, put it back, and now today (wednesday) there was this huge white blob, of goodness...
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