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  1. L

    Best diet for an oranda with swimbladder problems?

    Ok- so for the past few weeks we've been feeding as follows: Day 1 peas, day 2 no food, day 3 pellets, day 4 no food, day 5 peas.. And so on. We also added some Epsom salts during the last water change. This has been going ok- ish. Mr. Myagi (our oranda) still hangs out at the top of the tank...
  2. L

    Best diet for an oranda with swimbladder problems?

    Ok. So Epsom salts- not aquarium salt though? I will try that! I'm just wondering long term how I should go about a feeding schedule to avoid him getting this off balance again.
  3. L

    Best diet for an oranda with swimbladder problems?

    A few weeks ago my oranda started hanging out at the top of the tank most days, but would swim around just fine when he felt like it. We started giving him peas once per week, not feeding one day per week, and sinking pellets the other 5 days. That seemed to maintain him on for awhile. Today I...
  4. L

    Post your full tank shot here.

    Here's my goldies. :)
  5. L


    Painting sounds pretty permanent.. So if you aren't super sure what you want you could always get them at the store. The kind I use just gets taped to the back of the tank- so you can change it a few times and decide what you like best. They aren't too expensive. But other folks here might have...
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    I actually just changed my background from blue to a picture. It looks a lot better in my tank. (I posted pics on another thread.) I think it depends on what else you have going on in your tank, and what your preferences are. :)
  7. L

    New background for our goldfish :)

    It's 36 actually. I was surprised too at how much difference the background made! And that way I was able to keep the back of the tank open so my oranges can swim through the bubble wall. They love those bubbles on their tummies!
  8. L

    Oranda rests on bottom of tank

    Hey guys! Just wanted to update that after a few days of monitoring our new guy is doing awesome! It must have been the new tank jitters, because he is up and active and all over the place now. Happy guy. :) And we named him Mr. Myagi btw.
  9. L

    New background for our goldfish :)

    Thanks! I'm pretty happy with it. :)
  10. L

    New background for our goldfish :)

    Don't mind the glare.. Can't get good pics of the whole tank because of that. Here's some close ups of our orandas, just for fun.
  11. L

    New background for our goldfish :)

    We were feeling like our tank looked bare, but didn't want to add anything else because our fish love to swim around a lot- especially back and forth through the bubble wall in back, right where we needed filler. So we just put up a busier background. What do you think? Here's the before and after:
  12. L

    Iphone app badges

    Ok thanks- but does deleting them unsubscribe me from those threads? I guess I can just keep checking back under current/ participated threads.
  13. L

    Iphone app badges

    Hi there- I have a red circle badge notification on my AA app, but I've checked everything I can think of, and there's nothing new... And it's still there. Any ideas what it could be about?
  14. L

    Oranda rests on bottom of tank

    Thanks guys. As far as my new Oranda, he is still sitting on the bottom occasionally. When I fed them this morning he swam around a lot and ate a little, but he wasn't searching as vigorously for food as the other fish in the tank, you know? He is the biggest fish in the tank, and def ate the...
  15. L

    Oranda rests on bottom of tank

    Thanks. So if we do get rid of the 3 feeders we'll be good with just the 2 orandas? We were thinking of eventually having 3 oranges- but at 36 gallons that would leave us 4 gallons shy. :( We do have a dual air pump- one air hose attached to an air wall that spans the back wall of the tank...
  16. L

    Oranda rests on bottom of tank

    We would actually like to get rid of the 3 feeders eventually, and instead get one more fancy goldfish for a total of just 3 fish in our tank. We're just not sure what to do with them. And we did just do a water change 3 days ago, so I would hope our tank was clean. LOL.
  17. L

    Oranda rests on bottom of tank

    well 3 of the 5 are tiny little feeders, and grey oranda is pretty small too. This new guy is much bigger, but he seems to have plenty of room.
  18. L

    Oranda rests on bottom of tank

    Would you call that nitrate a 5? Maybe I'm color blind? It's hard for me to tell sometimes.
  19. L

    Oranda rests on bottom of tank

    Here's what I got.. and I finally got a pic of him "resting." the 4 smaller fish are just fine and dandy.. How do I increase my nitrates?? We always test 0 for them. :(
  20. L

    Oranda rests on bottom of tank

    He swims great, all around the tank, through the bridge. In between the plants. He's great fun to watch until he stops. We do 10% changes every week. We did one the day before we brought him home, so he hasn't been with us for a water change yet. We did acclimate him, but not as thoroughly as we...
  21. L

    Oranda rests on bottom of tank

    This is the guy in question. He was laying on the bottom and I tried to be very sneaky and catch a pic, but he got right up. What is that about?? Could it just be his personality???
  22. L

    Oranda rests on bottom of tank

    please? I would really like some advice. I would hate to wait until my fish is too sick to help. Here are some more details that may help:: we have a 36 gallon tank. There are 3 small "feeder" goldfish that we got to make sure our tank was recycled after an ich outbreak killed all of our fish...
  23. L

    our new oranda

    Here he is. I just love him already. I hope he is not sick!
  24. L

    Goldfish anyone??

    great. thanks! I'm trying to get the hang of it. LOL. I should disclose that I am also pregnant and impatient! Ha! So excited to sit in front of the tank with my little one and watch the fishies together. :)
  25. L

    Goldfish anyone??

    great. thanks! I'm trying to get the hang of it. LOL. I should disclose that I am also pregnant and impatient! Ha! So excited to sit in front of the tank with my little one and watch the fishies together. :)
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