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The friendliest place on the web for anyone with an interest in aquariums or fish keeping!
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    Fishless Cycling With Plants

    Thank you both! ^^ I think I will go plant shopping tomorrow! ;D
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    Fishless Cycling With Plants

    Hey everyone. ;) I was just wondering if I can add plants to my tank while it's still cycling? Would this help speed up the process at all? Would it be good for the plants? Thanks!
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    If You Could Be Any Fish, Which One Wouod You Be?

    I would be an Albino Cory Catfish. Love the lil guys. :cool:
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    Hello. =]

    I'm new here ;) hi to everyone lol.. I have a 10 Gallon tank with danios but they'll be moved to my new tank once it's done cycling. (36 gal bowfront, still being planned..) Also.. I'm not too sure if this is where I ask but does anyone know if I could keep these fish in my 36 gallon? Or...
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