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  1. J

    Please help Comet Goldfish with bloody white tail

    QUICK UPDATE It has been 4 days of adding Pimafix and Melafix only (I stopped adding salt) the tail is starting to get better as you can see from the picture. The fish don’t seem sick because there dorsal are up and they are swimming but they seem kind of pissed off. The spook real easy and my...
  2. J

    Please help Comet Goldfish with bloody white tail

    It has been a while since I looked at the box I have a Nitrite test kit not Nitrate. The read is still 0 ppm for Nitrite. In your earlier post you said “ Bio trace doesn’t really work” What do you add for beneficial bacteria? Do you suggest a certain brand,or do you not add anything. Up until...
  3. J

    Please help Comet Goldfish with bloody white tail

    Sorry I misspoke I use Aqueon water conditioner for tap and sometimes I buy spring water. Whenever I do a water change I add Aquarium salt in addition to. I use API liquid test kits on Ammonia and Nitrite I do not have the other 2 test kits for Ph and Nitrate I will get it soon. I just took the...
  4. J

    Please help Comet Goldfish with bloody white tail

    1. How big is your tank: Gal / litres 30 Gal Eheim 2232 35 gal Filter and a 40 gal airstone 2. For how long has the tank been set up: 9 months 3. How many fish: 3 Comet Goldfish and 4 Japanese trapdoor snails 2 freshwater plants and one Bamboo 4. What kinf of fish: Comet Goldfish 5. What...
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